7331 - Purpose of subchapter.

                               SUBCHAPTER C                          INTRASTATE MUTUAL AID     Sec.     7331.  Purpose of subchapter.     7332.  Definitions.     7333.  Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee.     7334.  System.     7335.  Assistance.     7336.  License, certificate and permit portability.     7337.  Insurance.     7338.  Workers' compensation.     7339.  Immunity.     7340.  Effect on other agreements.        Enactment.  Subchapter C was added October 8, 2008, P.L.1098,     No.93, effective immediately.     § 7331.  Purpose of subchapter.        The purpose of this subchapter is to create a system of     intrastate mutual aid between participating political     subdivisions within this Commonwealth, whereby each     participating political subdivision recognizes that emergencies     transcend the boundaries of a political subdivision and that     intergovernmental coordination is essential for the protection     of lives and property and for the best use of available public     and private assets. The system shall provide for mutual     assistance among the participating political subdivisions in the     prevention of, response to and recovery from threats to public     health and safety that are beyond the capability of an affected     community to respond. The system shall provide for mutual     cooperation among the participating subdivisions in conducting     exercises, testing or other training activities.