2945 - Fox chasing.
§ 2945. Fox chasing. (a) Authorization.--It is lawful during any period designated by the commission for any fox hunting club, fox hunting organization or individual owning and using an organized pack of five or more foxhounds to chase foxes for sport by riding after the hounds on horses or ponies after securing a permit from the commission. (b) Permit.--The director may issue a permit to allow fox chasing by the use of hounds, horses and hole dogs during any period of time that dogs may be trained on foxes within the county in which the chase is held. Persons participating in any chase authorized by this permit shall not be required to have a furtaking license pursuant to Chapter 27 (relating to hunting and furtaking licenses). (c) Unlawful acts.--It is unlawful to: (1) Chase fox by the method described in this section without first obtaining a permit. (2) Kill or attempt to kill any fox being chased by hounds under authority of a fox chasing permit with any gun or device other than the dogs legally being used in the chase. (3) Violate any other provisions of this section. (d) Penalty.--A violation of this section is a summary offense of the third degree.