2501 - Hunting or furtaking prohibited while under influence of alcohol or controlled substance.
CHAPTER 25 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND PERSONS Subchapter A. Protection of Property B. Protection of Persons Enactment. Chapter 25 was added July 8, 1986, P.L.442, No.93, effective July 1, 1987. SUBCHAPTER A PROTECTION OF PROPERTY Sec. 2501. Hunting or furtaking prohibited while under influence of alcohol or controlled substance. 2502. Chemical test to determine amount of alcohol. 2503. Loaded firearms in vehicles. 2504. Shooting on or across highways. 2505. Safety zones. 2506. Prohibitions within burial grounds. 2507. Restrictions on shooting. 2508. Protection of institutions, parks and resorts. 2509. Damage to property. 2510. Littering and restrictions on vehicles. 2511. Damage to trees. 2512. Unlawful acts on commission lands or waters. § 2501. Hunting or furtaking prohibited while under influence of alcohol or controlled substance. (a) General rule.--It is unlawful to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife or aid, abet, assist or conspire to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife anywhere in this Commonwealth while in possession of a firearm of any kind or a bow and arrow if: (1) under the influence of alcohol to a degree which renders the person incapable of safe hunting or furtaking; (2) under the influence of any controlled substance, as defined by the laws of this Commonwealth and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, to a degree which renders the person incapable of safe hunting or furtaking; (3) under the combined influence of alcohol and a controlled substance to a degree which renders the person incapable of safe hunting or furtaking; (4) the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of: (i) an adult is 0.10% or greater; or (ii) a minor is 0.02% or greater. (a.1) Prima facie evidence.-- (1) It is prima facie evidence that: (i) an adult had 0.10% or more by weight of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of hunting or taking of game, furbearers or wildlife or the aiding, abetting, assisting or conspiring to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife if the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the person is equal to or greater than 0.10% at the time a chemical test is performed on a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine; or (ii) a minor had 0.02% or more by weight of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of hunting or taking of game, furbearers or wildlife or the aiding, abetting, assisting or conspiring to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife if the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the minor is equal to or greater than 0.02% at the time a chemical test is performed on a sample of the minor's breath, blood or urine. (2) For the purpose of this section, the chemical test of the sample of the person's or minor's breath, blood or urine shall be from a sample obtained: (i) within three hours after the person or minor hunted or took game, furbearers or wildlife or aided, abetted, assisted or conspired to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife; or (ii) within a reasonable additional time after the person or minor hunted or took game, furbearers or wildlife or aided, abetted, assisted or conspired to hunt or take game, furbearers or wildlife if the circumstances of the incident prevented collecting the sample within three hours. (a.2) Legal use no defense.--The fact that any person charged with violating this section is or has been legally entitled to use alcohol or controlled substances is not a defense to a charge of violating this section. (a.3) Exception.--A person who is furtaking shall not be deemed in violation of subsection (a) if that person is not in possession of a firearm. (b) Penalty.--A violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree. In addition to any penalty, the violator shall be denied the right to hunt or trap in this Commonwealth, with or without a license, for a period of one year. (c) Definition.--As used in this section, the term "controlled substance" shall have the meaning ascribed to it by the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. (Dec. 19, 1996, P.L.1442, No.184, eff. 60 days) Cross References. Section 2501 is referred to in sections 2502, 2741 of this title.