9101 - Status of program relative to Public School Employees' Retirement Code.

                                CHAPTER 91                         MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS     Sec.     9101.  Status of program relative to Public School Employees'            Retirement Code.     9102.  Construction of part.        Enactment.  Chapter 91 was added May 17, 2001, P.L.26, No.9,     effective immediately.     § 9101.  Status of program relative to Public School Employees'                Retirement Code.        (a)  General rule.--The program shall be an approved health     insurance program for purposes of section 8505(i) (relating to     duties of board regarding applications and elections of members)     and shall be an approved insurance carrier for purposes of     section 8509 (relating to health insurance premium assistance     program).        (b)  State guarantee.--The program shall not be subject to     the provisions of section 8531 (relating to State guarantee).        (c)  Hold harmless.--Neither the Commonwealth nor the board,     including their respective officers, directors and employees,     shall be liable for any claims, demands, actions or liability of     any nature, including, but not limited to, attorney fees and     court costs, based upon or arising out of the operation of the     program, whether incurred directly or indirectly. The eligible     participants who enroll and participate in the program shall be     deemed to agree, on behalf of themselves and their heirs,     successors and assigns, to hold harmless the Commonwealth and     the board, including their respective officers, directors and     employees, from any claims, demands, actions or liability of any     nature, whether directly or indirectly, including attorney fees     and court costs, based upon or arising out of the operation of     the program.        (d)  No recourse.--Under no circumstances shall the assets of     the Commonwealth or those that comprise the Public School     Employees' Retirement Fund as set forth in section 8522     (relating to Public School Employees' Retirement Fund) be liable     for or used to pay any claims, demands, actions or liability of     any nature, whether directly or indirectly, including, but not     limited to, attorney fees and court costs, based upon or arising     out of the operation of the program.        (e)  Reservation of immunities.--Nothing contained in this     part shall be construed as a waiver of the Commonwealth's or     board's immunities, defenses, rights or actions arising out of     their sovereign status or from the Eleventh Amendment to the     Constitution of the United States.