5501 - Definitions.

                                CHAPTER 55                 LIABILITY FOR TORTIOUS ACTS OF CHILDREN     Sec.     5501.  Definitions.     5502.  Liability of parents.     5503.  Establishing liability in criminal or juvenile            proceedings.     5504.  Establishing liability in civil proceedings.     5505.  Monetary limits of liability.     5506.  Double recovery for same injury prohibited.     5507.  Indemnity or contribution from child prohibited.     5508.  Liability of parent not having custody or control of            child.     5509.  Other liability of parent or child unaffected.        Enactment.  Chapter 55 was added December 19, 1990, P.L.1240,     No.206, effective in 90 days.     § 5501.  Definitions.        The following words and phrases when used in this chapter     shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the     context clearly indicates otherwise:        "Child."  An individual under 18 years of age.        "Injury."  Includes injury to the person and theft,     destruction or loss of property.        "Parent."  Includes natural or adoptive parents.        "Person."  Includes government units and Federal agencies.        "Tortious act."  A willful tortious act resulting in injury.