5441 - Definitions.

                               SUBCHAPTER C                               ENFORCEMENT     Sec.     5441.  Definitions.     5442.  Enforcement under Hague Convention.     5443.  Duty to enforce.     5444.  Temporary visitation.     5445.  Registration of child custody determination.     5446.  Enforcement of registered determination.     5447.  Simultaneous proceedings.     5448.  Expedited enforcement of child custody determination.     5449.  Service of petition and order.     5450.  Hearing and order.     5451.  Warrant to take physical custody of child.     5452.  Costs, fees and expenses.     5453.  Recognition and enforcement.     5454.  Appeals.     5455.  Role of prosecutor or public official.     5456.  Role of law enforcement.     5457.  Costs and expenses.        Cross References.  Subchapter C is referred to in sections     5402, 5404, 5405 of this title.     § 5441.  Definitions.        The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter     shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the     context clearly indicates otherwise:        "Petitioner."  A person who seeks enforcement of an order for     return of a child under the Hague Convention on the Civil     Aspects of International Child Abduction or enforcement of a     child custody determination.        "Respondent."  A person against whom a proceeding has been     commenced for enforcement of an order for return of a child     under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International     Child Abduction or enforcement of a child custody determination.