2909 - Medical history information.

     § 2909.  Medical history information.        (a)  Delivery of information.--Prior to the finalization of     an adoption, medical history information shall, where     practicable, be delivered by the attending physician or other     designated person to the intermediary who shall deliver such     information to the adopting parents or their physician. In cases     where there is no intermediary, medical history information     shall be delivered directly to the adopting parents or their     physician.        (b)  Editing of information.--Except as provided in section     2905 (relating to impounding of proceedings and access to     records), medical history information shall be edited before     delivery or release by the Department of Public Welfare so as to     remove any contents which would identify the adoptee's natural     family.        (c)  Availability of information forms.--The Department of     Public Welfare shall, upon request, make available to courts,     adoption agencies and individuals medical history information     forms that enable parents whose rights have been terminated to     register and update medical history information with the     Department of Public Welfare and with the court which entered     the decree of termination.        (d)  Regulations.--The Department of Public Welfare shall, in     consultation with the Department of Health, prescribe by     regulation the procedure to be utilized and to develop the     content of medical history information forms.     (June 23, 1982, P.L.617, No.174, eff. 1 year; Dec. 20, 1995,     P.L.685, No.76, eff. 60 days)        Cross References.  Section 2909 is referred to in section     2102 of this title.