Chapter 7 - Orphans' Court Divisions
- 701 - Orphans' court divisions.
- 711 - Mandatory exercise of jurisdiction through orphans' court division in general.
- 712 - Nonmandatory exercise of jurisdiction through orphans' court division.
- 713 - Special provisions for Philadelphia County.
- 714 - Conflict of laws.
- 715 - Incidental powers (Repealed).
- 721 - Venue of decedents', minors' and incapacitated persons' estates.
- 722 - Venue of trust estates.
- 723 - Situs of testamentary trust (Deleted by amendment).
- 724 - Situs of inter vivos trust (Deleted by amendment).
- 725 - Change of situs; order of court (Deleted by amendment).
- 726 - Venue of nonprofit corporations.
- 727 - Venue of cemetery companies.
- 731 - - § 732 (Repealed).
- 741 - Duties of the clerk (Repealed).
- 742 - Dockets (Repealed).
- 743 - Bill of costs (Repealed).
- 744 - Translation of foreign language documents (Repealed).
- 745 - Advertisement of accounts.
- 746 - Money paid into court (Repealed).
- 747 - Powers and duties of the sheriff (Repealed).
- 748 - Fees (Repealed).
- 751 - Appointment; purpose.
- 752 - Compensation.
- 753 - Subpoenas.
- 754 - Power to administer oaths (Repealed).
- 761 - Petitions.
- 762 - Accounts.
- 763 - Writs of habeas corpus (Repealed).
- 764 - Citation.
- 765 - Service of citation.
- 766 - Proof of service.
- 767 - Parties in interest.
- 768 - Manner of service; proof.
- 769 - Power of orphans' court division (Repealed).
- 771 - Decree without prior hearing; attachment; sequestration (Repealed).
- 772 - Injunctions (Repealed).
- 773 - Subpoenas (Repealed).
- 774 - Depositions and discovery.
- 775 - Perpetuation of testimony and court records.
- 776 - Testimony in proceedings removed from register.
- 777 - Right to jury trial; discretion of orphans' court division.
- 778 - Procedure for jury trials.
- 779 - Nonsuits.
- 781 - Methods of enforcement.
- 782 - Procedure on attachment of the person.
- 783 - Procedure on sequestration of real or personal property.
- 784 - Procedure on execution on personal property.
- 785 - Procedure on attachment execution.
- 786 - Procedure on execution on real estate.
- 791 - Allowance and allocation (Repealed).
- 792 - Right of appeal (Repealed).
- 793 - Effect of appeal.
- 794 - Disposition of cases on appeal (Repealed).