5761 - Mobile tracking devices.

                               SUBCHAPTER D                         MOBILE TRACKING DEVICES     Sec.     5761.  Mobile tracking devices.        Enactment.  Subchapter D was added October 21, 1988,     P.L.1000, No.115, effective immediately.     § 5761.  Mobile tracking devices.        (a)  Authority to issue.--Orders for the installation and use     of mobile tracking devices may be issued by a court of common     pleas.        (b)  Jurisdiction.--Orders permitted by this section may     authorize the use of mobile tracking devices within the     jurisdiction of the court of common pleas, and outside that     jurisdiction, if the device is installed within the jurisdiction     of the court of common pleas.        (c)  Standard for issuance of order.--An order authorizing     the use of one or more mobile tracking devices may be issued to     an investigative or law enforcement officer by the court of     common pleas upon written application. Each application shall be     by written affidavit, signed and sworn to or affirmed before the     court of common pleas. The affidavit shall:            (1)  state the name and department, agency or address of        the affiant;            (2)  identify the vehicles, containers or items to which,        in which or on which the mobile tracking device shall be        attached or be placed, and the names of the owners or        possessors of the vehicles, containers or items;            (3)  state the jurisdictional area in which the vehicles,        containers or items are expected to be found; and            (4)  provide a statement setting forth all facts and        circumstances which provide the applicant with a reasonable        suspicion that criminal activity has been, is or will be in        progress and that the use of a mobile tracking device will        yield information relevant to the investigation of the        criminal activity.        (d)  Notice.--The court of common pleas shall be notified in     writing within 72 hours of the time the mobile tracking device     has been activated in place on or within the vehicles,     containers or items.        (e)  Term of authorization.--Authorization by the court of     common pleas for the use of the mobile tracking device may     continue for a period of 90 days from the placement of the     device. An extension for an additional 90 days may be granted     upon good cause shown.        (f)  Removal of device.--Wherever practicable, the mobile     tracking device shall be removed after the authorization period     expires. If removal is not practicable, monitoring of the mobile     tracking device shall cease at the expiration of the     authorization order.        (g)  Movement of device.--Movement of the tracking device     within an area protected by a reasonable expectation of privacy     shall not be monitored absent exigent circumstances or an order     supported by probable cause that criminal activity has been, is     or will be in progress in the protected area and that the use of     a mobile tracking device in the protected area will yield     information relevant to the investigation of the criminal     activity.     (Oct. 9, 2008, P.L.1403, No.111, eff. imd.)        2008 Amendment.  Act 111 amended subsec. (b).