5509 - Desecration, theft or sale of venerated objects.

     § 5509.  Desecration, theft or sale of venerated objects.        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the     second degree if he:            (1)  intentionally desecrates any public monument or        structure, or place of worship or burial;            (2)  intentionally desecrates any other object of        veneration by the public or a substantial segment thereof in        any public place;            (3)  sells, attempts to sell or removes with intent to        sell a veteran's marker as described in section 1913 of the        act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County        Code. This paragraph shall not apply to the sale of veterans'        markers authorized by statute; or            (4)  intentionally receives, retains or disposes of a        veteran's marker or item decorating a veteran's grave knowing        that the item has been stolen, or believing that it has        probably been stolen, unless it has been received, retained        or disposed of with the intent to return it to the owner.        (a.1)  Historic burial lots and burial places.--A person     commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if the person     intentionally desecrates a historic burial lot or historic     burial place.        (b)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following     words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this     subsection:        "Desecrate."  Defacing, damaging, polluting or otherwise     physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will     outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or     discover the action.        "Historic burial lot."  An individual burial site within a     historic burial place.        "Historic burial place."  A tract of land which has been:            (1)  in existence as a burial ground for more than 100        years; or            (2)  listed in or eligible for the National Register of        Historic Places as determined by the Pennsylvania Historical        and Museum Commission.     (May 4, 2001, P.L.3, No.3, eff. 60 days; Dec. 16, 2003, P.L.233,     No.41, eff. 60 days; Oct. 9, 2008, P.L.1419, No.116, 60 days)        2008 Amendment.  Section 2 of Act 116 provided that the     amendment shall apply to offenses committed on or after the     effective date of section 2.        2003 Amendment.  Section 2 of Act 41 provided that the     amendment of section 5509 shall apply to offenses committed on     or after the effective date of Act 41.        Cross References.  Section 5509 is referred to in section     3307 of this title.