3202 - Legislative intent.

     § 3202.  Legislative intent.        (a)  Rights and interests.--It is the intention of the     General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to protect     hereby the life and health of the woman subject to abortion and     to protect the life and health of the child subject to abortion.     It is the further intention of the General Assembly to foster     the development of standards of professional conduct in a     critical area of medical practice, to provide for development of     statistical data and to protect the right of the minor woman     voluntarily to decide to submit to abortion or to carry her     child to term. The General Assembly finds as fact that the     rights and interests furthered by this chapter are not secure in     the context in which abortion is presently performed.        (b)  Conclusions.--Reliable and convincing evidence has     compelled the General Assembly to conclude and the General     Assembly does hereby solemnly declare and find that:            (1)  Many women now seek or are encouraged to undergo        abortions without full knowledge of the development of the        unborn child or of alternatives to abortion.            (2)  The gestational age at which viability of an unborn        child occurs has been lowering substantially and steadily as        advances in neonatal medical care continue to be made.            (3)  A significant number of late-term abortions result        in live births, or in delivery of children who could survive        if measures were taken to bring about breathing. Some        physicians have been allowing these children to die or have        been failing to induce breathing.            (4)  Because the Commonwealth places a supreme value upon        protecting human life, it is necessary that those physicians        which it permits to practice medicine be held to precise        standards of care in cases where their actions do or may        result in the death of an unborn child.            (5)  A reasonable waiting period, as contained in this        chapter, is critical to the assurance that a woman elect to        undergo an abortion procedure only after having the fullest        opportunity to give her informed consent thereto.        (c)  Construction.--In every relevant civil or criminal     proceeding in which it is possible to do so without violating     the Federal Constitution, the common and statutory law of     Pennsylvania shall be construed so as to extend to the unborn     the equal protection of the laws and to further the public     policy of this Commonwealth encouraging childbirth over     abortion.        (d)  Right of conscience.--It is the further public policy of     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to respect and protect the     right of conscience of all persons who refuse to obtain,     receive, subsidize, accept or provide abortions including those     persons who are engaged in the delivery of medical services and     medical care whether acting individually, corporately or in     association with other persons; and to prohibit all forms of     discrimination, disqualification, coercion, disability or     imposition of liability or financial burden upon such persons or     entities by reason of their refusing to act contrary to their     conscience or conscientious convictions in refusing to obtain,     receive, subsidize, accept or provide abortions.