2507 - Criminal homicide of law enforcement officer.

     § 2507.  Criminal homicide of law enforcement officer.        (a)  Murder of a law enforcement officer of the first     degree.--A person commits murder of a law enforcement officer of     the first degree who intentionally kills a law enforcement     officer while in the performance of duty knowing the victim is a     law enforcement officer.        (b)  Murder of a law enforcement officer of the second     degree.--A person commits murder of a law enforcement officer of     the second degree who engages as a principal or an accomplice in     the perpetration of a felony during which a law enforcement     officer is killed while in the performance of duty.        (c)  Manslaughter of a law enforcement officer in the first     degree.--A person commits a felony in the first degree who does     any of the following:            (1)  Without lawful justification kills a law enforcement        officer while in the performance of duty and with knowledge        that the victim was a law enforcement officer, if at the time        of the killing:                (i)  the person is acting under a sudden and intense            passion resulting from serious provocation by the victim            killed; or                (ii)  the person is acting under a sudden and intense            passion resulting from serious provocation by another            individual whom the actor endeavors to kill, but the            person negligently or accidentally causes the death of            the victim.            (2)  Intentionally or knowingly kills a law enforcement        officer while in the performance of duty and with knowledge        that the victim was a law enforcement officer, if at the time        of the killing the person believes the circumstances to be        such that, if they existed, would justify the killing under        Chapter 5 (relating to general principles of justification),        but his belief is unreasonable.        (d)  Manslaughter of a law enforcement officer in the second     degree.--A person commits a felony of the second degree who, as     a direct result of the doing of an unlawful or lawful act in a     reckless or grossly negligent manner, causes the death of a law     enforcement officer while in the performance of duty and the     person knew or should have known the victim was a law     enforcement officer.        (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following     words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this     subsection:        "Law enforcement officer."  This term shall have the same     meaning as the term "peace officer" is given under section 501     (relating to definitions).        "Perpetration of a felony."  As defined under section 2502(d)     (relating to murder).     (Oct. 17, 2008, P.L.1628, No.131, eff. 60 days)        2008 Amendment.  Act 131 added section 2507.