102 - Territorial applicability.

     § 102.  Territorial applicability.        (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this     section, a person may be convicted under the law of this     Commonwealth of an offense committed by his own conduct or the     conduct of another for which he is legally accountable if     either:            (1)  the conduct which is an element of the offense or        the result which is such an element occurs within this        Commonwealth;            (2)  conduct occurring outside this Commonwealth is        sufficient under the law of this Commonwealth to constitute        an attempt to commit an offense within this Commonwealth;            (3)  conduct occurring outside this Commonwealth is        sufficient under the law of this Commonwealth to constitute a        conspiracy to commit an offense within this Commonwealth and        an overt act in furtherance of such conspiracy occurs within        this Commonwealth;            (4)  conduct occurring within this Commonwealth        establishes complicity in the commission of, or an attempt,        solicitation or conspiracy to commit, an offense in another        jurisdiction which also is an offense under the law of this        Commonwealth;            (5)  the offense consists of the omission to perform a        legal duty imposed by the law of this Commonwealth with        respect to domicile, residence or a relationship to a person,        thing or transaction in this Commonwealth; or            (6)  the offense is based on a statute of this        Commonwealth which expressly prohibits conduct outside this        Commonwealth when the conduct bears a reasonable relation to        a legitimate interest of this Commonwealth and the actor        knows or should know that his conduct is likely to affect        that interest.        (b)  Exception.--Paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not     apply when causing a particular result is an element of an     offense and the result is caused by conduct occurring outside     this Commonwealth which would not constitute an offense if the     result had occurred there, unless the actor intentionally or     knowingly caused the result within this Commonwealth.        (c)  Homicide.--When the offense is homicide or homicide of     an unborn child, either the death of the victim, including an     unborn child, or the bodily impact causing death constitutes a     "result" within the meaning of paragraph (a)(1) of this section,     and if the body of a homicide victim, including an unborn child,     is found within this Commonwealth, it is presumed that such     result occurred within this Commonwealth.        (d)  Air space.--This Commonwealth includes the land and     water and the air space above such land and water with respect     to which the Commonwealth has legislative jurisdiction.     (Oct. 2, 1997, P.L.379, No.44, eff. 180 days)        1997 Amendment.  Act 44 amended subsec. (c).        Cross References.  Section 102 is referred to in sections     910, 7602 of this title.