7702 - Definitions.

     § 7702.  Definitions.        The following words and phrases when used in this chapter     shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the     context clearly indicates otherwise:        "Bureau."  The Corporation Bureau of the department.        "Corporation."  A corporation organized for profit which has     elected to be governed by this chapter.        "Member."  An individual who patronizes a corporation by the     contribution of labor and who has been accepted for membership     in and owns a membership share issued by the corporation.        "Patronage."  The number of hours of work performed as a     member of a corporation.        "Patronage allocation."  The share of net earnings or losses     with respect to a period of time paid or credited to a member on     the basis of the ratio which the member's patronage during the     period involved bears to total patronage by all members during     that period.        "Written notice of allocation."  A written instrument which     discloses to a member the stated dollar amount of the member's     patronage allocation and the terms of payment of that amount by     the corporation.     (Dec. 19, 1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.)        1990 Amendment.  Act 198 renumbered section 7701 to section     7702 and renumbered former section 7702 to section 7703,     retroactive to June 19, 1989.