7407 - Transition surcharge and stranded cost recovery.

     § 7407.  Transition surcharge and stranded cost recovery.        (a)  Transition surcharge.--A transition surcharge is the     total stranded costs payable to an electric cooperative     corporation as a condition precedent to a consumer-member of an     electric cooperative corporation having the right to receive     electric generation service from another source.        (b)  Determination of stranded costs.--Total stranded costs     shall be reasonably determined by an electric cooperative and     may include:            (1)  The pro rata share in all investments in electric        cooperative distribution, transmission and generation plant        and facilities.            (2)  The pro rata share of foreseeable decommissioning        costs of generation facilities.            (3)  The pro rata share of all effective electric        cooperative contractual commitments to others, regulatory        assets, deferred debits and credits, fixed operation and        maintenance expenses, expenditures made for the benefit of        the departing customer and administrative and other costs        incurred or to be incurred by an electric cooperative as a        result of a decision by a consumer-member to take electric        generation service from another source.        (c)  Determination of pro rata share.--The pro rata share of     electric cooperative stranded costs shall be determined on the     basis of historical energy and capacity usage by this consumer-     member compared to historical total energy and capacity usage of     such electric cooperative or by direct assignment where     applicable.