7404 - Definitions.

     § 7404.  Definitions.        The following words and phrases when used in this chapter     shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the     context clearly indicates otherwise:        "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.        "Departing member."  A member-consumer served at retail by an     electric cooperative corporation that has given notice of intent     to receive generation service from another source or that is     otherwise in the process of changing generation suppliers. These     persons shall nonetheless remain members of the electric     distribution cooperative corporation for purposes of     distribution service.        "Electric-consuming facilities."  As defined in section 7352     (relating to definitions).        "Retail electric service."  As defined in section 7352     (relating to definitions).        "Service territory."  The service territory of electric     cooperative corporations established in Chapter 73 (relating to     electric cooperative corporations) as interpreted by existing     case law.        "Transition surcharge."  The total stranded costs payable to     an electric cooperative corporation as a condition precedent to     a consumer-member of an electric cooperative corporation having     the right to receive electric generation service from another     source.