7351 - Application of subchapter.

                               SUBCHAPTER C                 UNINCORPORATED AREA CERTIFIED TERRITORY     Sec.     7351.  Application of subchapter.     7352.  Definitions.     7353.  Geographical areas.     7354.  Boundaries of certified territories; hearings.     7355.  Obligations and rights within certified territory; new            electric-consuming facilities.     7356.  Borderline service.     7357.  Effect of incorporation, annexation or consolidation.     7358.  Enforcement of compliance by commission.     7359.  Expenses.        Cross References.  Subchapter C is referred to in sections     7301, 7334, 7406, 7410 of this title.     § 7351.  Application of subchapter.        (a)  General rule.--This subchapter shall apply only to the     establishment of boundaries of certified territory between     retail electric suppliers where one supplier is an electric     cooperative corporation and the other supplier is subject to the     jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for     rates, terms and conditions for electric service.        (b)  Municipal corporations.--Nothing contained in this     subchapter shall in any respect affect any of the rights,     privileges or obligations of any municipal corporation     furnishing retail electric service.