5978 - Winding up of corporation after dissolution.

     § 5978.  Winding up of corporation after dissolution.        (a)  Winding up and distribution.--Every nonprofit     corporation that is dissolved by expiration of its period of     duration or otherwise shall, nevertheless, continue to exist for     the purpose of winding up its affairs, prosecuting and defending     actions or proceedings by or against it, collecting and     discharging obligations, disposing of and conveying its property     and collecting and dividing its assets, but not for the purpose     of continuing business except insofar as necessary for the     winding up of the corporation. The board of directors or other     body of the corporation may continue as such and shall have full     power to wind up the affairs of the corporation.        (b)  Standard of care of directors, members of an other body     and officers.--The dissolution of the corporation shall not     subject its directors, members of an other body or officers to     standards of conduct different from those prescribed by or     pursuant to Chapter 57 (relating to officers, directors and     members).     (Dec. 19, 1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.; Dec. 18, 1992,     P.L.1333, No.169, eff. 60 days)