5977 - Articles of dissolution.

     § 5977.  Articles of dissolution.        (a)  General rule.--Articles of dissolution and the     certificates or statement required by section 139 (relating to     tax clearance of certain fundamental transactions) shall be     filed in the Department of State when:            (1)  all liabilities of the nonprofit corporation have        been discharged, or adequate provision has been made        therefor, in accordance with section 5975 (relating to        predissolution provision for liabilities), and all of the        remaining assets of the corporation have been distributed as        provided in section 5975 or in case its assets are not        sufficient to discharge its liabilities, when all the assets        have been fairly and equitably applied, as far as they will        go, to the payment of such liabilities; or            (2)  an election to proceed under Subchapter H (relating        to postdissolution provision for liabilities) has been made.     See section 134 (relating to docketing statement).        (b)  Contents of articles.--The articles of dissolution shall     be executed by the corporation and shall set forth:            (1)  The name of the corporation and, subject to section        109 (relating to name of commercial registered office        provider in lieu of registered address), the address,        including street and number, if any, of its registered        office.            (2)  The statute under which the corporation was        incorporated and the date of incorporation.            (3)  The names and respective addresses, including street        and number, if any, of its directors and officers.            (4)  The manner in which the proposal to dissolve        voluntarily was adopted by the corporation.            (5)  A statement that:                (i)  all liabilities of the corporation have been            discharged or that adequate provision has been made            therefor;                (ii)  the assets of the corporation are not            sufficient to discharge its liabilities, and that all the            assets of the corporation have been fairly and equitably            applied, as far as they will go, to the payment of such            liabilities; or                (iii)  the corporation has elected to proceed under            Subchapter H.            (6)  A statement:                (i)  that all the remaining assets of the            corporation, if any, have been distributed as provided in            the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988; or                (ii)  that the corporation has elected to proceed            under Subchapter H and that any remaining assets of the            corporation will be distributed as provided in that            subchapter.            (7)  In the case of a corporation that has not elected to        proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that no actions or        proceedings are pending against the corporation in any court,        or that adequate provision has been made for the satisfaction        of any judgment or decree that may be obtained against the        corporation in each pending action or proceeding.            (8)  In the case of a corporation that has not elected to        proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that notice of the        winding-up proceedings of the corporation was mailed by        certified or registered mail to each known creditor and        claimant and to each municipal corporation in which the        corporation has a place of business in this Commonwealth.        (c)  Effect.--Upon the filing of the articles of dissolution     in the department, the existence of the corporation shall cease.        (d)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to     docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met     by filed documents).     (Dec. 21, 1988, P.L.1444, No.177, eff. Oct. 1, 1989; Dec. 19,     1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.; Dec. 18, 1992, P.L.1333,     No.169, eff. 60 days; June 22, 2001, P.L.418, No.34, eff. 60     days)        2001 Amendment.  Act 34 amended subsec. (b)(5), (7) and (8)     and added subsec. (d).        1992 Amendment.  Act 169 amended subsecs. (a) and (b).        1990 Amendment.  Act 198 reenacted and amended the entire     section.        Cross References.  Section 5977 is referred to in sections     5975, 5989, 5991.1, 5992 of this title.