5951 - Division authorized.

                               SUBCHAPTER D                                 DIVISION     Sec.     5951.  Division authorized.     5952.  Proposal and adoption of plan of division.     5953.  Division without member approval.     5954.  Articles of division.     5955.  Filing of articles of division.     5956.  Effective date of division.     5957.  Effect of division.        Subchapter Heading.  The heading of Subchapter D was amended     December 21, 1988, P.L.1444, No.177, effective October 1, 1989.     § 5951.  Division authorized.        (a)  Division of domestic corporation.--Any domestic     nonprofit corporation may, in the manner provided in this     subchapter, be divided into two or more domestic nonprofit     corporations incorporated or to be incorporated under this     article, or into one or more such domestic nonprofit     corporations and one or more foreign corporations not-for-profit     to be incorporated under the laws of another jurisdiction or     jurisdictions, or into two or more of such foreign corporations     not-for-profit, if the law or laws of such other jurisdictions     authorized such division.        (b)  Division of foreign corporation.--Any foreign     corporation not-for-profit may, in the manner provided in this     subchapter, be divided into one or more domestic nonprofit     corporations to be incorporated under this article and one or     more foreign corporations not-for-profit incorporated or to be     incorporated under the laws of another jurisdiction or     jurisdictions, or into two or more of such domestic nonprofit     corporations, if such foreign corporation not-for-profit is     authorized under the laws of the jurisdiction under which it is     incorporated to effect such division.        (c)  Surviving and new corporations.--The corporation     effecting a division, if it shall survive the division, is     hereinafter designated as the surviving corporation. All     corporations originally incorporated by a division are     hereinafter designated as new corporations. The surviving     corporation, if any, and the new corporation or corporations are     hereinafter collectively designated as the resulting     corporations.