5586 - Restrictions on investments.

     § 5586.  Restrictions on investments.        (a)  Legal investments.--If the trust instrument shall limit     or restrict the investment of such assets to investments of the     class authorized by law as legal investments, the corporation     may invest and reinvest the assets of the trust or fund in any     such common trust fund maintained by the corporation, provided     the investments composing such fund consist solely of     investments of the class authorized by the Fiduciaries     Investment Act of 1949 to be held by fiduciaries.        (b)  Other than legal investments.--If the trust instrument     shall not limit or restrict the investment of such assets to     investments of the class authorized by law as legal investments,     the corporation may invest and reinvest the assets of the trust     or fund in any such common trust fund maintained by the     corporation, composed of such investments as in the honest     exercise of the judgment of the directors or other body of the     corporation they may, after investigation, determine to be safe     and proper investments.        References in Text.  The Fiduciaries Investment Act of 1949,     referred to in section 5586, was repealed June 30, 1972,     P.L.508, No.164, effective July 1, 1972. The subject matter is     now contained in Chapter 73 of Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and     Fiduciaries).