4141 - Penalty for doing business without certificate of authority.

                               SUBCHAPTER C                      POWERS, DUTIES AND LIABILITIES     Sec.     4141.  Penalty for doing business without certificate of            authority.     4142.  General powers and duties of qualified foreign            corporations.     4143.  General powers and duties of nonqualified foreign            corporations.     4144.  Registered office of qualified foreign corporations.     4145.  Applicability of certain safeguards to foreign            domiciliary corporations.     4146.  Provisions applicable to all foreign corporations.        Cross References.  Subchapter C is referred to in section     9507 of this title.     § 4141.  Penalty for doing business without certificate of                authority.        (a)  Right to bring actions or proceedings suspended.--A     nonqualified foreign business corporation doing business in this     Commonwealth within the meaning of Subchapter B (relating to     qualification) shall not be permitted to maintain any action or     proceeding in any court of this Commonwealth until the     corporation has obtained a certificate of authority. Nor, except     as provided in subsection (b), shall any action or proceeding be     maintained in any court of this Commonwealth by any successor or     assignee of the corporation on any right, claim or demand     arising out of the doing of business by the corporation in this     Commonwealth until a certificate of authority has been obtained     by the corporation or by a corporation that has acquired all or     substantially all of its assets.        (b)  Contracts, property and defense against actions     unaffected.--The failure of a foreign business corporation to     obtain a certificate of authority to transact business in this     Commonwealth shall not impair the validity of any contract or     act of the corporation, shall not prevent the corporation from     defending any action in any court of this Commonwealth and shall     not render escheatable any of its real or personal property.        Cross References.  Section 4141 is referred to in section     4143 of this title.