1526 - Liability of shareholders.

     § 1526.  Liability of shareholders.        (a)  General rule.--A shareholder of a business corporation     shall not be liable, solely by reason of being a shareholder,     under an order of a court or in any other manner for a debt,     obligation or liability of the corporation of any kind or for     the acts of any shareholder or representative of the     corporation.        (b)  Professional relationship unaffected.--Subsection (a)     shall not afford the shareholders of a business corporation that     is not a professional corporation but that provides professional     services with greater immunity than is available to the     officers, shareholders, employees or agents of a business     corporation that is a professional corporation. See section 2925     (relating to professional relationship retained).        (c)  Disciplinary jurisdiction unaffected.--A business     corporation providing professional services shall be subject to     the applicable rules and regulations adopted by, and all the     disciplinary powers of, the court, department, board, commission     or other government unit regulating the profession in which the     corporation is engaged. The court, department, board or other     government unit may require that a corporation include in its     articles provisions that conform to any rule or regulation     heretofore or hereafter promulgated for the purpose of enforcing     the ethics of a profession. This subpart shall not affect or     impair the disciplinary powers of the court, department, board,     commission or other government unit over licensed persons or any     law, rule or regulation pertaining to the standards for     professional conduct of licensed persons or to the professional     relationship between any licensed person rendering professional     services and the person receiving professional services.     (June 22, 2001, P.L.418, No.34, eff. 60 days)