501 - Publication and distribution.
CHAPTER 5 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES Sec. 501. Publication and distribution. 502. Preparation and contents. 503. Official status of publication. Enactment. Present Chapter 5 was added June 17, 1974, P.L.330, No.107, effective immediately. Prior Provisions. Former Chapter 5, which related to publication of laws, was added November 25, 1970, P.L.707, No.230, and repealed December 6, 1972, P.L.1339, No.290, effective immediately. The subject matter is now contained in section 1104 of this title. Cross References. Chapter 5 is referred to in section 1105 of this title. § 501. Publication and distribution. (a) General rule.--The Legislative Reference Bureau may compile, edit, publish, print, supplement and revise or contract directly or through the Legislative Printing Clerk for the compilation, editing, publishing, printing, supplementation or revision of an official publication of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes and amendments thereto. It shall be the duty of the Department of Property and Supplies, upon request of the bureau, to arrange for the prompt distribution of the official publication and the supplements thereto and revisions thereof in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. This publication shall be in addition to the publication of advance copies of statutes and the Laws of Pennsylvania except that the bureau, when authorized by concurrent resolution of the General Assembly, may reduce the number of such statutes and laws published and printed and provide for the manner of their distribution and a fee to be charged for certain distributions. (b) Sale and distribution.--The prices to be charged for individual copies of and subscriptions to the official publication, the supplements thereto and revisions thereof, for reprints and bound volumes thereof, which prices may be fixed without reference to the restrictions placed upon and fixed for the sale of other publications of the Commonwealth, and the number of copies which shall be distributed free for official use shall be established by the bureau. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the bureau may provide for the free reciprocal exchange of publications between this Commonwealth and other states and foreign jurisdictions and for the free distribution of at least one copy of every publication printed under authority of this chapter to each: (1) County for the use of its law library. (2) Member of the General Assembly at the post office address specified by him. (3) Law school library which pursuant to rules of court receives copies of printed briefs and records filed in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (c) Payments and disposition of moneys.--Payments for documents published by authority of this chapter shall be made to the Department of Property and Supplies which shall pay the same into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Fund. Such moneys are hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the Legislative Reference Bureau to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Prior Provisions. Former section 501, which related to publication of amendments to the Consolidated Statutes, was added November 25, 1970, P.L.707, No.230, and repealed December 6, 1972, P.L.1339, No.290, effective immediately. The subject matter is now contained in section 1104 of this title. References in Text. The Department of Property and Supplies, referred to in section 501, is now the Department of General Services. Suspension of Inconsistent Laws. See section 5 of Act 107 of 1974 in the appendix to this title for provisions relating to suspension of laws inconsistent with a concurrent resolution adopted pursuant to section 501. Cross References. Section 501 is referred to in section 502 of this title.