1971 - Implied repeal by later statute.
SUBCHAPTER E REPEALING STATUTES Sec. 1971. Implied repeal by later statute. 1972. Nonexistence of reason for statute does not effect repeal. 1973. No implied repeal by nonuser. 1974. Effect of separate repeals on code provisions by same General Assembly. 1975. Effect of repeal on limitations. 1976. Effect of repeal on rights, et cetera. 1977. Repeal does not revive repealed statute. 1978. Repeal as obsolete does not affect substantive rights. § 1971. Implied repeal by later statute. (a) Revision or exclusive system covering entire subject.-- Whenever a statute purports to be a revision of all statutes upon a particular subject, or sets up a general or exclusive system covering the entire subject matter of a former statute and is intended as a substitute for such former statute, such statute shall be construed to supply and therefore to repeal all former statutes upon the same subject. (b) Uniform mandatory system covering class of subjects.-- Whenever a general statute purports to establish a uniform and mandatory system covering a class of subjects, such statute shall be construed to supply and therefore to repeal pre- existing local or special statutes on the same class of subjects. (c) Other cases.--In all other cases, a later statute shall not be construed to supply or repeal an earlier statute unless the two statutes are irreconcilable.