ORS Chapter 358
Chapter 358 — Museums;Historical Societies; Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Propertiesand Objects; Oregon Historic Families Database
358.015 Statepolicy to contribute to Oregon Historical Society
358.018 Dutiesof Oregon Historical Society
358.035 OregonHistoric Families database; duties of State Archivist
358.045 OregonTrail; comprehensive program for development
358.055 OregonTrail; promotion as major tourist attraction
358.057 Valueand significance of state historic trails
358.171 Electionto establish county historical fund
358.180 Taxlevy for county historical fund; limitation
358.190 Historicalfund not subject to Local Budget Law
358.200 Annualestimate of historical societies
358.210 Disbursementof county historical fund
358.220 Annualreport of expenditures
358.230 Terminationof tax levy for county historical fund
358.310 Definitionsfor ORS 358.310 to 358.405
358.315 Generalauthority of cities regarding public museums
358.320 Museumcommission
358.325 Termsof commission members
358.330 Chairpersonand secretary of commission; duties of commission regarding records, rules,reports and budgets
358.335 Vacancieson commission
358.340 Compensationof commission members
358.345 Authorityof city to establish and operate public museum
358.355 Acquisitionof site and structure for museum
358.360 Dutiesof museum commission respecting establishment of museum
358.365 Dutiesof museum commission respecting operation of museum
358.370 Paymentof expense of museum operation
358.375 Issuanceof bonds to acquire museum site and structure
358.380 Generalbond law applicable to museum bonds
358.385 Pledgeof museum revenues for payment of museum bonds
358.390 Revenuebonds and pledges of revenue not general obligations of city
358.405 Methodof settling disagreement where joint action of cities required
358.415 Definitionsfor ORS 358.420 to 358.440
358.420 Statusof property loaned to a museum; statute of limitations on recovery
358.425 Noticeof termination of loan; content
358.430 Procedurefor giving notice; responsibility of owner
358.435 Statusof title to acquired property
358.440 Noticeto lenders
358.442 Definitionsfor ORS 358.442 to 358.474
358.444 Creationof heritage district
358.446 Formationof multicounty heritage district
358.448 Heritagedistrict board
358.450 Electionof first heritage district board
358.452 Electionof heritage district board members; initiative and referendum
358.454 Resultof election at large or by zone; oath of office; vacancy; term of office
358.456 Choiceof election at large or by zone
358.458 Changein method of nominating and electing heritage district board members
358.460 Populationwithin boundaries of zones in heritage districts
358.462 Filingboundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue
358.464 Dutiesof heritage district board
358.466 Powersof heritage district board
358.468 Heritagedistrict tax levy
358.470 Sinkingfund for acquisition of historic real property and restoration of historicbuildings or facilities
358.472 Legalcounsel for heritage district
358.474 Employees’retirement system
(Policyand Definitions)
358.475 Policy
358.480 Definitionsfor ORS 358.480 to 358.545
358.487 Applicationfor classification and special assessment as historic property; term ofassessment; fee
358.490 Reviewand approval of application; withdrawal; amendment of plan
358.495 Noticeof approval or disapproval; certification and plaque; review, hearing and finalorder
358.499 Limitationson classification and special assessment as historic property
358.500 Reportingrequirement; work approval
358.505 Determinationof specially assessed value, maximum assessed value and assessed value of historicproperty; appeals
358.509 Reviewof continued qualification of property by State Historic Preservation Officer
358.511 HistoricAssessment Review Committee
358.515 Lossof special assessment; notice
358.525 Impositionof additional taxes upon disqualification; exceptions
(Changeof Classification)
358.528 Applicationto change classification as historic property; withdrawal
358.540 Requirementsfor second term of historic property special assessment
358.541 Cityor county prohibition of second term
358.543 Assessmentof new construction and additions; condominiums
358.545 Rules
358.565 StateHistoric Preservation Officer
358.570 OregonHeritage Commission; establishment; terms of commission members
358.575 Commissionmembership
358.580 Selectionof chairperson; quorum; meetings
358.583 Purposeand duties of commission relating to museums
358.585 Rules
358.590 Advisoryand technical committees; reimbursement of commission member expenses;solicitation of funds
358.595 Coordinationof heritage activities; Oregon Heritage Plan; inventory of state culturalproperties
358.605 Legislativefindings