ORS Chapter 357
Chapter 357 — Libraries;Archives; Poet Laureate
(Policyand Definitions)
357.001 Legislativefindings
357.003 Policy
357.004 Definitionsfor ORS 357.001 to 357.200
(Duties,Powers and Location)
357.005 StateLibrary duties and powers; free book loans
357.007 Locationof State Library
357.010 Trusteesof State Library
357.015 Functionsof trustees; rules
357.031 Authorityof trustees
357.035 Trusteesas agency to apply for federal or private funds
357.040 Authorityof trustees over real and personal property
357.050 Dutiesof State Librarian as secretary and administrator
357.071 Generalduties of State Librarian
357.090 Issuingagency to make public documents available for distribution; public documentsliaison officer; list of all public documents; no charge for access by library
357.095 Designationof depository libraries
357.100 StateLibrary responsible for receipt of and access to public documents
357.105 Freeaccess to certain public documents
357.195 StateLibrary Donation Fund; Talking Book and Braille Library Endowment Fund
357.200 MiscellaneousReceipts Account
357.203 Assessmentagainst state agencies for operating costs of State Library and State of OregonLaw Library
357.206 Financialassistance to public, school, tribal and academic libraries; grants
357.209 Rules;contracts
357.212 Application
357.216 Definitionsfor ORS 357.216 to 357.286
357.221 Districtformation; petition requirements
357.223 Multicountydistrict formation; procedure
357.226 Districtboard members; appointment of librarian
357.231 Numberof board members; terms
357.233 Electionlaws applicable
357.236 Electionof board members; vacancy
357.241 Methodof electing board members
357.246 Changein method of electing board members
357.251 Zoneboundaries
357.253 Boundarychange to be filed with county assessor and Department of Revenue
357.256 Boardas district governing body; selection of president
357.261 District;powers
357.266 Financingdistrict activities; limitation on assessment
357.271 Sinkingfunds for acquisition of facilities; limitation on use of funds
357.276 Depositand disbursement of district funds
357.281 Legalassistance
357.286 Retirementsystem for employees
357.330 Definitionsfor ORS 357.330 to 357.370
357.340 InterstateLibrary Compact
357.350 Librarycompact administrator; deputy; library agreements to be submitted to StateLibrarian
357.360 Compliancewith laws on taxes and bonds required
357.370 Dutyof compact administrator upon withdrawal from compact
357.400 Definitionsfor ORS 357.400 to 357.621
357.410 Authorityof local government units for public libraries
357.417 Methodsof establishing public library by local government unit
357.430 Methodsof financing public library by local government unit
357.435 Localgovernment required to file plan with State Library
357.460 Financialinterest of public library board and appointive body; compensation
357.465 Publiclibrary board
357.470 Boardorganization; name of library
357.490 Libraryboard general powers
357.520 Annualreport
357.525 Electionto authorize local option tax
357.610 Conformityto ORS 357.400 to 357.621 by libraries organized prior to enactment of thosestatutes; effect on executed library contracts
357.621 Publichearings required prior to abolishing or withdrawing support from publiclibrary
357.740 Stategrants to local units of government
357.750 Applicationsfor grants; uses of grant moneys; rules
357.760 StateLibrary Trustees to administer ORS 357.740 to 357.780
357.780 Grantsfor public library services to children; basis of distribution of funds
357.805 Definitionsfor ORS 357.805 to 357.895
357.815 StateArchivist
357.825 Acquisitionand custody of public records; rulemaking authority
357.835 Transferof public records to State Archivist
357.845 Sealof State Archivist
357.855 Adviceand assistance on public record problems
357.865 Filingcopy of public record with State Archivist; loss of original
357.875 Accessto public records; privileged information
357.885 Feesof State Archivist
357.895 Rules
357.925 PoetLaureate office; qualifications; term
357.975 Willfuldetention of library property
357.990 Penalties
(Policyand Definitions)
357.001Legislative findings.The State of Oregon recognizes that:
(1)An informed citizenry is indispensable to the proper functioning of ademocratic society.
(2)Libraries constitute a cultural, informational and educational resourceessential to the people of this state.
(3)Library services should be available widely throughout the state to bringwithin convenient reach of the people appropriate opportunities for reading,study and free inquiry.
(4)Providing and supporting adequate library services is a proper and necessaryfunction of government at all levels.
(5)It is a basic right of citizens to know about the activities of theirgovernment, to benefit from the information developed at public expense and tohave permanent access to the information published by state agencies. [1975c.476 §2; 1995 c.69 §1; 2005 c.33 §1]
357.003Policy.It is the policy of the people of the State of Oregon:
(1)To promote the establishment, development and support of library services forall of the people of this state.
(2)To provide library services suitable to support informed decisions by thepersonnel of government.
(3)To encourage cooperation between units of government and between and amonglibraries and to encourage the joint exercise of powers where such cooperationor joint exercise will increase the extent of library services in a fair andequitable manner.
(4)To ensure that copies of all public documents and access to state agencyinformation in electronic form are available to citizens t