ORS Chapter 328

Chapter 328 — LocalFinancing of Education











328.001     Definitions




328.005     Countyschool fund; uses


328.015     Apportionmentto districts


328.030     Partialapportionments


328.045     Apportionmentof excess amounts; application as tax offset




328.105     Sources;use of interest


328.110     Custodianof fund


328.115     Loanof fund and rental of lands; disbursement of interest and rents


328.120     Boardof Douglas County School Fund commissioners


328.125     Lawconcerning Common School Fund to apply


328.130     Loansto be made in name of treasurer; collection of sums due


328.135     Feesfor services of county officers; expense of making loan


328.140     Sale,rental or lease of property; disposition of proceeds




328.155     Sources;use of interest


328.160     Custodianof fund; bond


328.165     Investmentand loan of fund and rental of lands; disbursement of interest and rents


328.170     Directorsas fund commissioners


328.175     Lawsgoverning loans of Common School Fund to apply


328.180     Loansto be made in name of clerk; collection of sums due


328.185     Feesfor services of clerk; expense of making loan


328.190     Saleand conveyance of property; disposition of proceeds




328.205     Powerto contract bonded indebtedness; use of proceeds to pay expenses of issue


328.210     Bondelections


328.213     Issuanceof negotiable interest-bearing warrants


328.230     Issueof bonds upon favorable vote


328.240     Placeof payment


328.245     Limitationon bonded debt of districts generally


328.250     Limitationon bonded indebtedness of enlarged or reorganized school districts


328.255     Registrationof bonds and negotiable interest-bearing warrants; delivery; disposition ofproceeds of sale of bonds; noncontestability


328.260     Taxlevy to pay interest and principal of bonds; use of funds derived from tax


328.265     Schooldistrict bond tax levied by county


328.270     Paymentof principal and interest; collection commission


328.275     Redemptionand payment of bonds


328.280     Fundingor refunding district indebtedness


328.295     Issuanceof bonds and interest-bearing warrants


328.300     Marketingbonds jointly or through association


328.304     Countyeducation bond district; creation; powers; purpose


328.316     Impactaid revenue bonds; issuance; requirements


328.318     Fundsrequired for impact aid revenue bonds


Note          Fundsdiversion agreement--2003 c.715 §§38,39




328.321     Definitionsfor ORS 328.321 to 328.356


328.326     Stateguaranty of school bonds allowed


328.331     Certificateevidencing qualification for state guaranty; rules; application; qualificationstandards


328.336     Determinationof ineligibility


328.341     Transferby school districts or State Treasurer of moneys to pay debt service on schoolbonds


328.346     Recoveryfrom school districts of payments on school bonds by State Treasurer


328.351     Powersof State Treasurer when state funds are insufficient for payment of debtservice


328.356     StateTreasurer subject to provisions regarding issuance of general obligation bonds


328.361     Shorttitle




328.441     Custodyand disbursement of school district funds


328.445     Disbursementof school funds by check or warrant


328.450     Schoolwarrant procedure


328.460     Cancellationof school warrants not presented for payment within seven years


328.465     Annualaudit procedure


328.467     Auditdeterminations; deficiencies; correction; sanctions


328.470     Purchaseof automotive equipment; fund transfers




328.542     Preparationof district budget; certification of taxes


328.555     Propertyliable for district indebtedness; tax levy


328.565     Powerto create indebtedness; zone academy bonds; tax credit bonds


328.570     Divisionof district into tax zones


328.573     Noticeof public hearing on tax zones


328.576     Publichearing; resolution to establish tax zones


328.579     Determinationof tax in zones; limitations




      328.001Definitions.As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

      (1)“Administrative office for the county” means the administrative office of theeducation service district, or of any common school district that includes anentire county.

      (2)“Impact aid revenues” means the revenues received by a school district from thefederal government pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 7701 to 7714.

      (3)“School district” includes common and union high school districts. [1965 c.100 §42;1971 c.513 §60; 1991 c.167 §3; 2003 c.226 §5; 2003 c.343 §1]




      328.005County school fund; uses. (1) The governing body of each county shall createa county school fund.

      (2)When a county governing body transfers federal forest reserve receipts underORS 294.060 (4) subject to a condition that such moneys be used only for apurpose described in ORS 328.205 (1)(a) or (c), a school district receiving ashare of such moneys may not use the moneys for any other purpose. [Amended by1965 c.100 §43; 1965 c.491 §1; 1967 c.107 §1; 1971 c.294 §4; 1989 c.579 §2;1997 c.821 §19; 2003 c.226 §6]


      328.010 [Amended by1963 c.544 §17; 1965 c.100 §44; repealed by 1975 c.64 §1]


      328.015Apportionment to districts. On the first Monday in December the executiveofficer of the administrative office for the county shall apportion the countyschool fund among the several districts in the county, in proportion to theresident average daily membership for the preceding fiscal year in eachdistrict as reported by the district to the administrative office of the county.In the case of a joint school district, the resident average daily membershipreported to the administrative office of the counties comprising the districtshall be prorated between the counties as the resident enrollment of thedistrict is prorated between the counties. Any balance accruing to the fundafter the December apportionment shall be apportioned in the same manner atsuch other times during the year as the executive officer of the administrativeoffice may consider advisable. [Amended by 1965 c.100 §45; 1971 c.294 §5; 1975c.770 §5]


      328.020 [Amended by1963 c.544 §18; 1965 c.100 §46; repealed by 1975 c.770 §49]


      328.025 [Amended by1965 c.100 §47; 1971 c.294 §6; repealed by 1975 c.770 §49]


      328.030Partial apportionments. The executive officer of the administrative officefor the county, upon the written request of any district school board, may makea partial apportionment to any district of any money due it at the time ofmaking a regular apportionment under ORS 328.015, and apportion the remainderat the next regular apportionment. The county treasurer shall pay any partialapportionment made under this section. [Amended by 1963 c.544 §19; 1965 c.100 §48]


      328.035 [1971 c.449 §4;1985 c.555 §15; repealed by 2001 c.36 §3]


      328.045Apportionment of excess amounts; application as tax offset. Any moneys inthe county school fund in excess of the amount required by law may, by order ofthe county governing body, be apportioned under ORS 328.015 separately fromremaining county school fund moneys. Amounts separately apportioned under thissection to a school district shall not be considered a budget resource underthe Local Budget Law but shall be used as an offset to the school district’stax levy. [1979 c.551 §2]




      328.105Sources; use of interest. The proceeds of all gifts, devises and bequestsmade to Douglas County for common school purposes shall be set apart as aseparate and irreducible school fund, to be called the Douglas County SchoolFund, the interest of which shall be applied to the support and maintenance ofall common schools in said county.


      328.110Custodian of fund.The county treasurer shall be the custodian of the Douglas County School Fund.The bond as treasurer shall include the honest and faithful performance of theduties of the county treasurer as such custodian.


      328.115Loan of fund and rental of lands; disbursement of interest and rents. (1) The countytreasurer shall loan the Douglas County School Fund in the manner provided bylaw at the best rate obtainable per annum and shall rent all lands owned by thecounty belonging to the fund.

      (2)The county treasurer shall place the interest and rentals with other moneys thecounty receives for support of the common schools. The education servicedistrict board shall apportion and the county treasurer shall distribute theinterest and rentals with, and in the same manner as, such other moneys. [Amendedby 1963 c.544 §20]


      328.120Board of Douglas County School Fund commissioners. The chairpersonof the board of county commissioners, clerk and treasurer of Douglas County areappointed as a board of Douglas County School Fund commissioners. They shallapprove all applications for loans as to title and value of security offered.The treasurer shall make no loan or lease any land until such board has givenits approval. [Amended by 1963 c.386 §5]


      328.125Law concerning Common School Fund to apply. The laws governing the loaningof the Common School Fund of this state, so far as applicable and not inconflict with ORS 328.105 to 328.140 shall govern the loaning of the DouglasCounty School Fund.


      328.130Loans to be made in name of treasurer; collection of sums due. All loans shallbe made in the name of the treasurer of Douglas County but for the benefit ofthe fund. The treasurer shall collect all sums due the fund in the mannerprovided by law.


      328.135Fees for services of county officers; expense of making loan. No officer ofDouglas County shall charge or receive fees for any service performed in regardto the fund. All expenses of making a loan shall be paid for by the applicant.


      328.140Sale, rental or lease of property; disposition of proceeds. The board ofDouglas County School Fund commissioners may sell and convey by deed, executedby all of said commissioners, any and all real property devised to DouglasCounty for common school purposes, whenever in the judgment of such board theinterest of the school fund will be subserved by such sale, or may rent orlease the same when it deems best.