ORS Chapter 317

Chapter 317 — CorporationExcise Tax











317.005     Shorttitle


317.010     Definitions


317.013     Adoptionof parts of Internal Revenue Code and application of federal laws and regulations


317.018     Statementof purpose


317.019     Applicationof Payment-in-kind Tax Treatment Act of 1983


317.025     Omissionof previously enacted savings clauses from Oregon Revised Statutes


317.030     Effectof chapter


317.035     Effectof subsequent repeal of chapter


317.038     Computationof Oregon taxable history




317.057     Exemptionof certain out-of-state financial institutions from tax; exception


317.061     Taxrate


317.063     Taxrate imposed on certain long-term capital gain from farming; requirements


317.067     Taxon homeowners association income


317.070     Taxon centrally assessed, mercantile, manufacturing and business corporations andfinancial institutions


317.080     Exemptcorporations


317.090     Minimumtax


317.092     Exemptionof payments to tenant of manufactured dwelling park upon termination of rentalagreement






317.097     Lendinginstitution loans for housing; rules


317.111     Weatherizationloan interest; commercial lending institutions


317.112     Energyconservation loans to residential fuel oil customers or wood heating residents;rules


317.115     Alternativefuel vehicle fueling stations


317.122     Insurers;amounts paid for certain taxes and assessments


(Temporaryprovisions relating to mile-based or time-based motor vehicle insurance arecompiled as notes following ORS 317.122)


(LongTerm Enterprise Zones)


317.124     Longterm enterprise zone facilities


317.125     Othertax credits limited; exception


317.127     LongTerm Enterprise Zone Fund


317.129     Taxpayments of long term enterprise zone facilities credit claimants


317.131     Distributionof funds to local governments




317.147     Farmworkerhousing loans; credit transfers; rules


(Educationand Research)


317.151     Contributionsof computers or scientific equipment for research to educational organizations


317.152     Qualifiedresearch activities credit


317.153     Qualifiedresearch activities; election between credits; rules


317.154     Alternativequalified research activities credit




317.190     Effecton reporting income


317.195     Effecton deductions allowed




317.259     Modificationsgenerally


317.267     Dividendsreceived by corporation from certain other corporations


317.273     Dividendincome received by domestic corporation from certain foreign corporations


317.283     Nonrecognitionof transactions with related domestic international sales corporation


317.286     Nonrecognitionof transactions with related foreign sales corporation


317.301     Deferralof deduction for certain amounts deductible under federal law


317.303     Deductionor adjustment for certain federal credits


317.304     Additionfor unused qualified business credits


317.307     Reductionfor charitable contribution deduction under federal law; subtraction


317.309     Interestand dividends received from obligations of state or political subdivision


317.310     Balancein bad debt reserve of financial institution which has changed from reservemethod to specific charge-off method of accounting


317.311     Applicationof section 243 of Tax Reform Act of 1986


317.312     Federaldepreciation expenses of certain health care service contractors


317.314     Taxeson net income or profits imposed by any state or foreign country; nondeductibletaxes and license fees; taxes paid to foreign country for certain income


317.319     CapitalConstruction Fund; deferred income; nonqualified withdrawals


317.322     Additionof long term care insurance premiums if credit is claimed


317.327     Modificationof taxable income when deferred gain is recognized as result of out-of-statedisposition of property; rules


317.329     Basisfor stock acquisition


317.344     Netoperating loss carryback and carryover


317.349     Transactiontreated as lease purchase under federal law


317.351     ORS317.349 not applicable to finance leases


317.356     Basison disposition of asset; adjustments to reflect depreciation, depletion, othercost recovery, federal credits and other differences in Oregon and federalbasis


317.362     Reversalof effect of gain or loss in case of timber, coal, domestic iron ore


317.374     Depletion


317.379     Exemptionof income from exercise of Indian fishing rights


317.386     Energyconservation payments exempt


317.388     Claimof right income repayment adjustment when credit is claimed


317.391     Smallcity business development exemption


317.394     Qualifyingfilm production labor rebates


317.398     Qualifiedproduction activities income


317.401     Additionfor federal prescription drug plan subsidies excluded for federal tax purposes


(Temporaryprovisions relating to exemption for certain sales of manufactured dwellingparks are compiled as notes following ORS 317.401)


317.476     Netlosses of prior years


317.478     Pre-changeand built-in losses


317.479     Limitationon use of preacquisition losses to offset built-in gain


317.485     Losscarryforward after reorganization; construction


317.488     Qualifieddonations and sales to educational institutions




317.504     Datereturn considered filed or advance payment considered made


317.510     Requiringadditional reports and information




317.625     Incomefrom sources without the United States


317.635     Domesticinternational sales corporation


317.650     Insurers;depreciation and basis provisions; confidentiality of returns; calendar yearfiling of returns required


317.655     Taxableincome of insurer; computation; exclusion for certain life insurance or annuityaccounts


317.660     Allocationof net income where insurer has both in-state and out-of-state business


317.665     Oregonnet losses of insurer in prior years




317.705     Definitions


317.710     Corporationtax return requirements; rules


317.713     Grouplosses as offset to income of subsidiary paying preferred dividends


317.715     Taxreturn of corporation in affiliated group making consolidated federal return


317.720     Computationof taxable income; excess loss accounts


317.725     Adjustmentsto prevent double taxation