ORS Chapter 267
Chapter 267 — MassTransit Districts; Transportation Districts
267.001 Authorityof certain mass transit and transportation districts to impose vehicleregistration fees
267.010 Definitionsfor ORS 267.010 to 267.390
267.020 Transferof transit system to metropolitan service district; effect of transfer order
267.030 Useof alternative fuels for certain district vehicles; exceptions; annual report;application to all district vehicles
267.080 Creationof district; district jurisdiction
267.085 Resolutionto form district; content; filing
267.090 Directors;appointment; term; vacancies; Governor to fix time of first meeting
267.095 Termsof directors first appointed
267.097 Governorto solicit recommendations for director in metropolitan statistical area withpopulation over 400,000
267.107 Resolutionto create certain districts; contents
267.108 Directorelection and district formation election under ORS 267.107 held at same time;designation of subdistricts
267.109 Costsof election under ORS 267.107
267.112 Directorsfor districts formed under ORS 267.107; terms; vacancies; compensation andexpenses
267.114 Minimumarea of district
267.120 Officersof board; terms; oath
267.125 Meetingsof board; quorum
267.130 Additionalcompensation prohibited
267.135 Generalmanager; qualifications; term; removal
267.140 Dutiesof general manager
267.145 Generalmanager’s attendance at board meetings; pro tempore manager
267.150 Ordinances;regulating use of facilities; public hearings; route, schedule changes
267.170 Initiativeand referendum
267.200 Existence,status and general powers of districts
267.203 Authorityto enter into transaction for electricity or diesel fuel
267.205 Classificationand designation of service areas; determination of area financing
267.207 Changeof district boundaries; elector approval; withdrawal of service from area;territorial jurisdiction of district; boundary commission exemption
267.208 Effectivedate of change of boundaries; filing boundary change with county assessor andDepartment of Revenue
267.210 Preparationof general plan for mass transit system; content; revision
267.218 Feasibilityreports and public bidding not required for construction and improvementprojects costing less than $50,000
267.225 Intergovernmentalagreements; condemnation of authority; joint occupancy
267.227 Relationshipwith Oregon Mass Transportation Financing Authority
267.230 Exemptionfrom public utility or railroad regulation
267.235 Protectionof employees’ rights when an operating transportation system is acquired
267.237 Criminalrecords check; fitness determinations; rules regarding dissemination
267.240 Accessibilityof facilities and equipment to elderly and persons who have disabilities
267.245 Districtexempt from right of way fencing requirements
267.247 Acquisitionof district lands by adverse possession or operation of statute of limitationsprohibited
Note Evaluationsof safety and security of light rail passengers--2008 c.43 §§1,3
(Withdrawalof Territory From District)
267.250 Definitionsfor ORS 267.250 to 267.263
267.253 Petitionfor withdrawal from district; filing period; number of signatures; contents ofpetition
267.255 Hearingon petition; notice
267.257 Studyof area proposed to be withdrawn; approval or denial of withdrawal; judicialreview
267.260 Withdrawalordinance; effective date; adjustment in district tax rate as result ofwithdrawal
267.263 Withdrawalof territory not subject to boundary commission review
267.265 Useof moneys derived from withdrawal of territory from district
267.300 Authorityof district to finance system
267.302 Restrictionson financing for districts formed under ORS 267.107
267.305 Levy,collection, enforcement of ad valorem taxes
267.310 Revolvingfund; authority to levy ad valorem taxes for fund
267.320 Usercharges, fees and tolls; persons over 65
267.325 Leasepurchase agreements
267.330 Generalobligation bonds; conditions; interest rate; payment of principal and interest;pledge of net revenue
267.334 Electoralapproval for issuance of general obligation bonds by Tri-Met to fund extensionof light rail
267.335 Authorityto issue revenue bonds; interest-bearing warrants
267.340 Refundingbonds
267.345 Issuanceof bonds
267.360 Business,trade, occupational and professional licenses and fees; exceptions
267.370 Districttaxing authority
267.380 Definitionsfor ORS 267.380 and 267.385
267.385 Employerpayroll tax; collection; enforcement
267.387 Restrictionson increase in payroll tax
267.390 Acceptanceof funds from United States
267.400 Authorityto issue short-term obligations; conditions
267.410 Certaindistricts authorized to impose employer payroll tax on state agencies andpolitical subdivisions
267.420 Employerpayroll tax on State of Oregon and political subdivisions; requirements for taxordinance
267.430 Certainstate agencies exempt from employer payroll tax
267.510 Definitionsfor ORS 267.510 to 267.650
267.515 Applicationof ORS chapter 255 to district
267.517 Useof alternative fuels for certain district vehicles; exceptions; annual report;application to all district vehicles
267.520 Methodof forming district
267.530 Establishmentof permanent tax rate limit at time of formation
267.540 Governingbody; term; vacancies; chairperson; rules of procedure; report to legislature
267.550 Statusof district
267.560 Generalpowers
267.570 Powersrelating to public transportation
267.575 Preparationof public transit system plan; contents; revision
267.580 Employees
267.590 Interagencyagreements
267.610 Exemptionfrom public utility regulation
267.612 Acquisitionof district lands by adverse possession or operation of statute of limitationsprohibited
267.615 Financingmethods
267.620 Powerto levy taxes
267.622 Filingboundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue
267.630 Issuanceand sale of bonds