ORS Chapter 199

Chapter 199 — LocalGovernment Boundary Commissions; City-County Consolidation











(Temporaryprovisions relating to requirements for annexation of certain industrial landsare compiled as notes preceding ORS 199.410)




199.410     Policy


199.415     Definitionsfor ORS 199.410 to 199.534


199.420     “District”defined for ORS 199.410 to 199.534




199.430     Procedurefor creating commissions by local resolution or petition


199.432     Statusof commission as state agency; application of certain laws


199.435     Organizationof commission created under ORS 199.430


199.440     Membership;appointment; qualifications; term; vacancy


199.445     Quorum;voting requirements for certain matters


199.450     Advisorycommittee; membership; function; term


199.452     Adoptionof rules


199.455     Expensesof members; employees; cooperation of local governments


199.457     Finances;tax levy by county; donations; service charges; assessments


(Jurisdiction;General Procedure)


199.460     Jurisdictionof boundary commission over boundary changes


199.461     Studyof proposed boundary change or other action; hearing; action by commission;judicial review; notice to public officials


199.462     Standardsfor review of boundary changes; territory that may not be included in certainboundary changes


199.463     Notice;hearing


199.464     Commissionapproval for exercise of additional district function, to extraterritoriallyextend district or city sewer or water line or to establish privately ownedcommunity water system


(BoundaryChange Procedure)


199.466     Approvalof annexation or extraterritorial extension without study or hearing;conditions; appeal


199.468     Effectivedate of application submitted under ORS 199.464


199.476     Whenpetition for major boundary change required; when economic feasibilitystatement required; effect of filing petition; effect of appeal


199.480     Filingof major boundary change order; effect of filing


199.485     Commissionauthority to initiate major boundary change; resolution as petition; contentand filing of resolution


199.487     Commissionauthority to initiate minor boundary change; nonapplicability of certainboundary change procedures; effect of commission action


199.490     Procedurefor minor boundary changes or transfers of territory


199.495     Effectivedate of certain annexations; nonapplicability of certain health hazardannexation procedures


199.500     Commissionto notify counties of certain annexations with delayed effective date


199.505     Effectivedate of minor boundary changes; objections; election


199.507     Effectivedate of transfer of territory; objections; election


199.510     Financialeffects of transfer or withdrawal; exceptions


199.512     Commissionproceedings for district formation or annexation to relieve public healthdanger


199.519     Effectivedate of boundary change; filing boundary change with county assessor andDepartment of Revenue


199.522     Economicfeasibility analysis for proposed city; filing with commission prior to filingincorporation petition; review of analysis by commission; approval or rejection


199.526     Timelimit for obtaining signatures on petition for incorporation of city


199.531     Policy


199.534     Legislativeannexation of territory to cities and districts; effective date; effect onother minor boundary changes






199.705     Definitionsfor ORS 199.705 to 199.795


199.710     Shorttitle


199.715     City-countyconsolidation authorized


199.720     Initiationof consolidation proceedings by resolution or petition




199.725     Chartercommission; appointment; term; first meeting; chairperson; appropriation forexpenses


199.730     Functionsof charter commission; rules




199.735     Electionon consolidation; on merger


199.740     Effectof election


199.742     Charterrequirements if consolidation is rejected in unincorporated area


199.743     Financialaffairs of city-county if charter becomes effective during fiscal year


199.745     Firstgoverning body of city-county


199.750     Statusof city-county


199.753     City-countyservice district


199.755     Receiptof state funds by city-county


199.760     Boundariesof city-county; effect of change; filing boundary change with county assessorand Department of Revenue


199.765     Permanentrate limit for operating taxes of city-county


199.770     Statusof employees after consolidation


199.775     Effectof city-county incorporation


(CountyFormation or Boundary Change After Consolidation)


199.777     Newcounty or county boundary change authorized when unincorporated area rejectsconsolidation


199.780     Petitionfor county formation or boundary change; contents; required number ofsignatures


199.783     Divisionof assets when petition is for boundary change; commissioners to adopt plan fordivision; appointment of commissioners; effect of plan


199.785     Electionon county formation or boundary change; election procedure; ballot title


199.787     Certificationof election results


199.790     Issuanceof proclamation by Governor


199.795     Operationand effect of proclamation


      199.110 [1963 c.516 §1;1965 c.69 §1; repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.120 [1963 c.516 §2;1965 c.69 §2; repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.130 [1963 c.516 §3;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.140 [1963 c.516 §4;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.150 [1963 c.516 §§5,6,19;1969 c.130 §1; repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.160 [1963 c.516 §7;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.170 [1963 c.516 §8;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.180 [1963 c.516 §9;1969 c.130 §2; repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.210 [1963 c.516 §10;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.220 [1963 c.516 §11;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.230 [1963 c.516 §§12,13;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.240 [1963 c.516 §14(1);repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.250 [1963 c.516 §15;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.260 [1963 c.516 §14(2);repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.270 [1963 c.516 §16;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.280 [1963 c.516 §17;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]


      199.310 [1963 c.516 §18;repealed by 1969 c.130 §3]




(Temporaryprovisions relating to requirements for annexation of certain industrial lands)


      Note: Sections 3, 4and 11, chapter 539, Oregon Laws 2005, provide:

      Sec.3.Section 4 of this 2005 Act is added to and made a part of ORS 199.410 to199.534. [2005 c.539 §3]

      Sec.4.(1) A lot, parcel or tract may not be included in territory proposed to beannexed unless the owner of the lot, parcel or tract gives written consent tothe annexation, if the lot, parcel or tract:

      (a)Is zoned for industrial use or designated for industrial use zoning in anacknowledged comprehensive plan;

      (b)Is land on which no electors reside, unless one or more electors living on-siteare employed or engaged to provide security services for the industrial user ofthe land;

      (c)Has an assessed value of more than $2 million, including improvements; and

      (d)Is in unincorporated Jackson County, either:

      (A)Within the urban unincorporated community of White City, west of Oregon Route62; or

      (B)Within the urban growth boundary of the City of Medford, west of Oregon Route99.

      (2)After annexation of a lot, parcel or tract described in subsection (1) of thissection, the development rights that apply to the lot, parcel or tract underthe industrial zoning classification applicable to the lot, parcel or tractwhen it is annexed are retained and run with the lot, parcel or tract.

      (3)As used in this section, “urban unincorporated community” means anunincorporated community that:

      (a)Includes at least 150 permanent residential dwelling units;

      (b)Contains a mixture of land uses, including three or more public, commercial orindustrial land uses;

      (c)Includes areas served by a community sewer system; and