ORS Chapter 167
Chapter 167 — OffensesAgainst Public Health, Decency and Animals
167.002 Definitionsfor ORS 167.002 to 167.027
167.007 Prostitution
167.012 Promotingprostitution
167.017 Compellingprostitution
167.027 Evidencerequired to show place of prostitution
167.051 Definitionsfor ORS 167.054 and 167.057
167.054 Furnishingsexually explicit material to a child
167.057 Luringa minor
167.060 Definitionsfor ORS 167.060 to 167.095
167.062 Sadomasochisticabuse or sexual conduct in live show
167.075 Exhibitingan obscene performance to a minor
167.080 Displayingobscene materials to minors
167.085 Defensesin prosecutions under ORS 167.075 and 167.080
167.090 Publiclydisplaying nudity or sex for advertising purposes
167.095 Defensesin prosecutions under ORS 167.090
167.100 Applicationof ORS 167.060 to 167.100
167.108 Definitionsfor ORS 167.109 and 167.112
167.109 Internetgambling
167.112 Liabilityof certain entities engaged in certain financial transactions
167.114 Applicationof ORS 167.109 and 167.112 to Oregon Racing Commission
167.116 Rulemaking
167.117 Definitionsfor ORS 167.108 to 167.164 and 464.270 to 464.530
167.118 Bingo,lotto or raffle games or Monte Carlo events conducted by charitable, fraternalor religious organizations; rules
167.121 Localregulation of social games
167.122 Unlawfulgambling in the second degree
167.127 Unlawfulgambling in the first degree
167.132 Possessionof gambling records in the second degree
167.137 Possessionof gambling records in the first degree
167.142 Defenseto possession of gambling records
167.147 Possessionof a gambling device; defense
167.153 Provingoccurrence of sporting event in prosecutions of gambling offenses
167.158 Lotteryprizes forfeited to county; exception; action by county to recover
167.162 Gamblingdevice as public nuisance; defense; seizure and destruction
167.164 Possessionof gray machine; penalty; defense
167.166 Removalof unauthorized video lottery game terminal
167.167 Cheating
167.203 Definitionsfor ORS 167.212 to 167.252
167.212 Tamperingwith drug records
167.222 Frequentinga place where controlled substances are used
167.238 Primafacie evidence permitted in prosecutions of drug offenses
167.243 Exemptioncontained in drug laws as defense to drug offenses
167.248 Searchand seizure of conveyance in which drugs unlawfully transported or possessed
167.252 Acquittalor conviction under federal law as precluding state prosecution
167.262 Adultusing minor in commission of controlled substance offense
167.310 Definitionsfor ORS 167.310 to 167.351
167.312 Researchand animal interference
167.315 Animalabuse in the second degree
167.320 Animalabuse in the first degree
167.322 Aggravatedanimal abuse in the first degree
167.325 Animalneglect in the second degree
167.330 Animalneglect in the first degree
167.332 Prohibitionagainst possession of domestic animal
167.333 Sexualassault of animal
167.334 Evaluationof person convicted of violating ORS 167.333
167.335 Exemptionfrom ORS 167.315 to 167.333
167.337 Interferingwith law enforcement animal
167.339 Assaultinglaw enforcement animal
167.340 Animalabandonment
167.345 Authorityto enter premises; search warrant; notice of impoundment of animal; damageresulting from entry
167.347 Forfeitureof animal to animal care agency prior to disposition of criminal charge
167.348 Placementof forfeited animal
167.349 Encouraginganimal abuse
167.350 Forfeitureof rights in mistreated animal; costs; disposition of animal
167.351 Tradingin nonambulatory livestock
167.352 Interferingwith assistance, search and rescue or therapy animal
167.355 Involvementin animal fighting
167.360 Definitionsfor ORS 167.360 to 167.372
167.365 Dogfighting
167.370 Participationin dogfighting
167.372 Possessingdogfighting paraphernalia
167.374 Possessionof dogs for purpose of breeding; records; exceptions
167.376 Standardsof care applicable to dog breeders; records; exceptions
167.385 Unauthorizeduse of livestock animal
167.387 Definitionsfor ORS 167.387 and 167.388
167.388 Interferencewith livestock production
167.390 Commercein fur of domestic cats and dogs prohibited; exception
167.400 Tobaccopossession by minors prohibited
167.401 Tobaccopurchase by minors prohibited; exceptions
167.402 Locatingtobacco vending machines
167.404 Limitationon right of city or county to regulate tobacco vending machines
167.407 Locatingtobacco products in retail store
167.426 Definitionsfor ORS 167.426 to 167.439
167.428 Cockfighting
167.431 Participationin cockfighting
167.433 Seizureof fighting birds; procedure
167.435 Forfeitureof rights in fighting birds or property
167.437 Constructivepossession of fighting birds; procedure
167.439 Forciblerecovery of fighting bird
167.500 Definitionsfor ORS 167.502, 167.506 and 167.508
167.502 Saleof certain items at unused property market prohibited; exceptions
167.506 Recordkeepingrequirements