ORS Chapter 136
Chapter 136 — CriminalTrials
136.001 Rightto jury trial; waiver
136.005 Challengeto jury panel
136.010 Whenissue of fact arises
136.030 Howissues are tried
136.040 Whenpresence of defendant is necessary
136.050 Degreeof crime for which guilty defendant can be convicted when doubt as to degreeexists
136.060 Jointlycharged defendants to be tried jointly; exception
136.070 Postponementof trial
136.080 Depositionof witness as condition of postponement
136.090 Procedurefor taking deposition
136.100 Filingand use of deposition
136.110 Commitmentof defendant after release
136.120 Dismissalwhen prosecutor unprepared for trial
136.130 Effectof dismissal on subsequent prosecution for same crime
136.140 Proceedingsafter judgment of acquittal
136.145 Settingof court dates when presence of victim required
136.210 Jurynumber; examination
136.220 Challengefor implied bias
136.230 Peremptorychallenges
136.240 Challengeof accepted juror
136.250 Takingof challenges; number of challenges if two or more defendants
136.260 Selectionof alternate jurors; peremptory challenges
136.270 Oath,rules governing conduct and attendance of alternate jurors at trial
136.280 Substitutionof alternate for juror dying or becoming disabled; dismissal
136.285 Priorityin trial schedule for defendants in custody
136.290 Limitationon time defendant held prior to trial; release of defendant if limit exceeded
136.295 Applicationof ORS 136.290
136.300 Timelimit on appeals to circuit court
136.310 Functionof court; effect of judicial notice of a fact
136.320 Functionof jury; acceptance of charge on law
136.325 Jurynot to be informed of and not to consider punishment that may be imposed
136.330 Trialprocedure; polling jurors in writing
136.345 Whenattendance of woman officer is required
136.347 Appointment,duties and compensation of woman officer
136.415 Presumptionas to innocence; acquittal in doubtful cases
136.420 Testimonyto be given orally; exceptions
136.425 Confessionsand admissions; corroboration
136.427 Confessions;corroboration not required; notice; hearing
136.430 Applicabilityof laws of evidence in civil actions to criminal trials; exceptions
136.432 Limitationon court’s authority to exclude relevant evidence
136.433 Provingprevious conviction; stipulation; presentation to jury
136.434 Challengeto validity of previous conviction
136.435 Admissibilityof evidence from defendant not advised of rights
136.440 Testimonyof accomplice; corroboration; “accomplice” defined
136.445 Motionfor acquittal; standard for granting motion; effect
136.447 Medicalrecords
136.450 Numberof jurors required for verdict
136.455 Generalverdict on plea of not guilty
136.460 Verdictwhere crime consists of degrees
136.465 Verdictwhere crime or attempt included within charge
136.470 Convictionor acquittal of one or more of several defendants
136.475 Verdictas to some of several defendants; retrial of others
136.480 Reconsiderationof verdict when jury makes mistake as to law
136.485 Reconsiderationof verdict which is not general verdict
136.490 Dischargeof defendant upon acquittal; exception
136.495 Proceedingsafter adverse general verdict
136.500 Motionin arrest of judgment; basis and time for making
136.505 Effectof allowance of motion
136.515 Orderwhen evidence shows guilt; new charge
136.525 Orderwhen evidence is insufficient; acquittal
136.535 Newtrial; application of ORCP 64 F to motion in arrest of judgment
136.555 Subpoenadefined
136.557 Issuanceof subpoena by magistrate for witnesses at preliminary examination
136.563 Issuanceof subpoena by district attorney for witnesses before grand jury
136.565 Issuanceof subpoena by district attorney for witnesses at trial
136.567 Issuanceof subpoena for witnesses for defendant; bar to dismissal
136.570 Proceedingto obtain subpoenas for more than 10 witnesses
136.575 Formsof subpoenas
136.580 Subpoenaswhen books, papers or documents are required
136.583 Seizureor production of papers, documents or records from recipient; notice;authentication
136.585 Bywhom subpoena is served
136.595 Howsubpoena is served; proof of service; service on law enforcement agency
136.600 Certaincivil procedures applicable to criminal proceedings
136.602 Witnessfees payable by county; method of payment; defense witness fees payable bydefendant
136.603 Paymentof witness who is from outside state or is indigent
(MaterialWitness Order)
136.608 Applicationprocedure
136.611 Courtaction upon receipt of application
136.612 Hearing;security amount; vacation or modification of order
136.614 Witnessheld in detention facility; payment
136.617 Proceedingsto compel witness who may be incriminated thereby to testify
136.619 Immunityof witness compelled to testify
(UniformAct to Secure Attendance of Witnesses From Without a State in CriminalProceedings)
136.623 Definitions
136.625 Wherewitness material to proceeding in another state is in this state
136.627 Wherewitness material to proceeding in this state is in another state
136.633 Immunityof witness from arrest or service of process
136.635 Constructionof ORS 136.623 to 136.637
136.637 Shorttitle