ORS Chapter 127
Chapter 127 — Powersof Attorney; Advance Directives for Health Care;
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment Registry;
Declarations for Mental Health Treatment; Death with Dignity
127.002 Definitionsfor ORS 127.005 to 127.045
127.005 Whenpower of attorney in effect; accounting to conservator
127.015 Powerof attorney not revoked until death or other event known
127.025 Authorityunder power of attorney recognizable regardless of date of execution
127.035 Limitationson liability of person reasonably relying on power of attorney
127.045 Dutyof agent under power of attorney
127.505 Definitionsfor ORS 127.505 to 127.660
(HealthCare Decisions Generally)
127.507 Capableadults may make own health care decisions
(Formalitiesof Executing Advance Directive)
127.510 Designationof attorney-in-fact; execution of health care instruction; duration
127.515 Mannerof executing advance directive; forms; witnesses; directives executed out ofstate
127.520 Personsnot eligible to serve as attorney-in-fact; manner of disqualifying persons forservice as attorney-in-fact
127.525 Acceptanceof appointment; withdrawal
(Formof Advance Directive)
127.531 Formof advance directive
(Effectof Executing Advance Directive)
127.535 Authorityof health care representative; duties; objection by principal
127.540 Limitationson authority of health care representative
(ProvisionsGenerally Applicable to Advance Directives and Health Care Decisions)
127.545 Revocationof advance directive or health care decision; when revocation effective; effectof executing power of attorney for health care
127.550 Petitionfor judicial review of advance directives; scope of review; authority to filepetition
127.555 Designationof attending physician; liability of health care representative and health careprovider
127.560 Provisionsnot exclusive; effect of provisions on civil and criminal liability of healthcare representative and provider
127.565 Independentmedical judgment of provider; effect of advance directive on insurance
127.570 Mercykilling; suicide
127.575 Instrumentpresumed valid
127.580 Presumptionof consent to artificially administered nutrition and hydration; exceptions
127.625 Providersunder no duty to participate in withdrawal or withholding of certain healthcare; duty of provider who is unwilling to participate
127.635 Withdrawalof life-sustaining procedures; conditions; selection of health carerepresentative in certain cases; required consultation
127.640 Physicianto determine that conditions met before withdrawing or withholding certainhealth care
127.642 Principalto be provided with certain care to insure comfort and cleanliness
(RequirementsImposed on Health Care Organizations Relating to Rights of Individuals to MakeHealth Care Decisions)
127.646 Definitionsfor ORS 127.646 to 127.654
127.649 Healthcare organizations required to have written policies and procedures onproviding information on patient’s right to make health care decisions
127.652 Timeof providing information
127.654 Scopeof requirement; limitation on liability for failure to comply
(PreviouslyExecuted Advance Directives)
127.658 Effectof ORS 127.505 to 127.660 on previously executed advance directives
127.660 Shorttitle
127.663 Definitionsfor ORS 127.663 to 127.684
127.666 Establishmentof registry; rules
127.669 OregonHealth Authority not required to perform certain acts
127.672 POLSTnot required; revocation
127.675 OregonPOLST Registry Advisory Committee; members; meetings; term
127.678 Confidentiality
127.681 Immunityfrom liability
127.684 Shorttitle
127.700 Definitionsfor ORS 127.700 to 127.737
127.702 Personswho may make declaration for mental health treatment; period of validity
127.703 Requiredpolicies regarding mental health treatment rights information; declarations formental health treatment
127.705 Designationof attorney-in-fact for decisions about mental health treatment
127.707 Executionof declaration; witnesses
127.710 Operationof declaration; physician or provider to act in accordance with declaration
127.712 Scopeof authority of attorney-in-fact; powers and duties; limitation on liability
127.715 Prohibitionsagainst requiring person to execute or refrain from executing declaration
127.717 Declarationto be made part of medical record; physician or provider to comply withdeclaration; withdrawal of physician or provider
127.720 Circumstancesin which physician or provider may disregard declaration
127.722 Revocationof declaration
127.725 Limitationson liability of physician or provider
127.727 Personsprohibited from serving as attorney-in-fact
127.730 Personsprohibited from serving as witnesses to declaration
127.732 Withdrawalof attorney-in-fact; rescission of withdrawal
127.736 Formof declaration
127.737 Certainother laws applicable to declaration
127.800 Definitions
(WrittenRequest for Medication to End One’s Life in a Humane and Dignified Manner)
127.805 Whomay initiate a written request for medication
127.810 Formof the written request
127.815 Attendingphysician responsibilities
127.820 Consultingphysician confirmation
127.825 Counselingreferral
127.830 Informeddecision
127.835 Familynotification
127.840 Writtenand oral requests
127.845 Rightto rescind request
127.850 Waitingperiods
127.855 Medicalrecord documentation requirements
127.860 Residencyrequirement
127.865 Reportingrequirements
127.870 Effecton construction of wills, contracts and statutes
127.875 Insuranceor annuity policies
127.880 Constructionof Act
(Immunitiesand Liabilities)
127.885 Immunities;basis for prohibiting health care provider from participation; notification;permissible sanctions
127.890 Liabilities
127.892 Claimsby governmental entity for costs incurred
127.895 Severability