ORS Chapter 105

Chapter 105 — PropertyRights










105.005     Rightof action; recovery; damages


105.010     Contentsof complaint


105.015     Answer


105.020     Substitutionof landlord for tenant


105.025     Verdict


105.030     Damagesfor withholding; setoff for improvements


105.035     Judgmentwhen plaintiff’s right to possession expires


105.040     Orderto make survey


105.045     Actionnot prejudiced by alienation by person in possession


105.050     Cotenantshall prove ouster


105.055     Conclusivenessof judgment


105.060     Effectof new trial on plaintiff’s possession


105.070     Rightsof donee under Donation Law


105.075     Noticeto quit; action to recover possession not affected by forcible entry or wrongfuldetainer


105.080     Reimbursementof tenants in common obtaining possession; lien




105.105     Entryto be lawful and peaceable only


105.110     Actionfor forcible entry or wrongful detainer


105.111     Stayof eviction for state service member


105.112     Actionby tenant to recover personal property; forms


105.113     Formof summons


105.115     Causesof unlawful holding by force; action for return of possession


105.117     Occupancyby employee of resident of dwelling unit


105.120     Noticenecessary to maintain action in certain cases; waiver of notice; effect ofadvance payments of rent


105.121     Formsin action for possession of group recovery home; limitation on issues; attorneyfees


105.123     Complaint


105.124     Formof complaint if ORS chapter 90 applies


105.126     Formof complaint if ORS chapter 90 does not apply


105.128     Landlordaction to remove perpetrator of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalkingfrom possession of dwelling unit; retention of possession by victim


105.130     Howaction conducted; fees; surcharge


105.132     Assertionof counterclaim


105.135     Serviceand return of summons; posting; contents; use of facsimile


105.137     Effectof failure of party to appear; attorney fees; judgment of dismissal; schedulingof trial; unrepresented defendant


105.138     Compellingarbitration; procedure


105.139     Burdenof proof in certain cases


105.140     Continuance


105.145     Judgmenton trial by court; duties of parties to stipulated agreement


105.146     Failureof defendant to perform as ordered; judgment of restitution


105.148     Contestingplaintiff’s affidavit or declaration of noncompliance; ex parte review ofhearing request; delaying execution upon judgment of restitution


105.149     Hearingon compliance with order


105.151     Enforcementof judgment of restitution; notice of restitution


105.152     Formof notice of restitution for judgment entered under ORS 105.146


105.153     Formof notice of restitution for judgment not entered under ORS 105.146


105.156     Formof writ of execution for judgment of restitution


105.157     Formof eviction trespass notice


105.158     Serviceof notice of restitution


105.159     Computationof time before plaintiff may request writ of execution


105.161     Serviceand enforcement of writ of execution and eviction trespass notice


105.165     Alternativemethod of removing, storing and disposing of tenant’s personal property;requirements; landlord liability


105.168     Minoras party in proceedings pertaining to residential dwellings




105.170     Definitionsfor ORS 105.170 to 105.185


105.175     Easementto be kept in repair; sharing costs; agreements


105.180     Actionfor failure to comply with duty of holder; recovery of costs; arbitration


105.185     Applicationof ORS 105.170 to 105.185




105.190     Covenantof good faith and fair dealing; rights and obligations of parties




105.205     Whomay maintain partition


105.210     Whenand how partition prevented


105.215     Complaint


105.220     Tenantsand lien creditors as defendants; liens on undivided interests


105.225     Summons;to whom directed


105.230     Serviceby publication


105.235     Answer


105.240     Rightsdeterminable; ascertainment of title where defendant defaults or sale isnecessary


105.245     Saleor partition ordered by court


105.250     Compensationwhen equal partition cannot be made


105.255     Howreferees make partition; report


105.260     Powerof court over report; final judgment


105.265     Personsnot affected by judgment


105.270     Orderof sale on referees’ report


105.275     Conclusivenessof order confirming report


105.280     Howsale made; notice of sale


105.285     Distributionof proceeds of sale


105.290     Distributionof proceeds by referee or payment into court


105.295     Continuanceof suit after proceeds paid into court


105.300     Whenlienholder has other securities


105.305     Creditallowed


105.310     Settingoff estate for life or years in part not sold


105.315     Dispositionof life estate or leasehold


105.320     Compensationof tenants in case of sale


105.325     Whencourt determines value of tenancy


105.330     Rulesfor determining value of certain estates


105.335     Protectionof unknown tenants


105.340     Provisionfor future rights or interests


105.345     Noticeof terms of sale; separate sale of distinct parcels


105.350     Purchaseby referee, conservator or guardian forbidden


105.355     Reportof sale


105.360     Exceptionto report; confirmation of sale; order of confirmation


105.365     Purchaseby encumbrancer or party entitled to share


105.370     Investmentof proceeds for certain parties


105.375     Inwhose name securities taken or investments made


105.380     Whensecurities are payable to parties


105.385     Clerk’streatment of securities and investments


105.390     Whenproceeds paid to conservator or guardian of infant


105.395     Paymentof proceeds to conservator of incapacitated person


105.400     Whenconservator or guardian may consent to partition

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