ORS Chapter 90




Chapter     90.       ResidentialLandlord and Tenant

                  91.       Tenancy

                  92.       Subdivisionsand Partitions

                  93.       Conveyancingand Recording

                  94.       RealProperty Development

                  95.       FraudulentTransfers and Conveyances

                  96.       Lineand Partition Fences

                  97.       Rightsand Duties Relating to Cemeteries, Human Bodies and Anatomical Gifts

                  98.       Lost,Unclaimed or Abandoned Property; Vehicle Towing

                  99.       PropertyRemoved by High Water

                  100.     Condominiums

                  101.     ContinuingCare Retirement Communities

                  105.     PropertyRights



Chapter 90 — ResidentialLandlord and Tenant










90.100       Definitions


90.105       Shorttitle


90.110       Exclusionsfrom application of this chapter


90.113       Additionalexclusion from application of chapter


90.115       Territorialapplication


90.120       Applicabilityof other statutory lien, tenancy and rent provisions; applicability of ORS90.100 to 90.465 and 90.505 to 90.840


90.125       Administrationof remedies; enforcement


90.130       Obligationof good faith


90.135       Unconscionability


90.140       Typesof payments landlord may require or accept; written evidence of payment


90.145       Tenantor applicant who conducts repairs, routine maintenance or cleaning services notemployee of landlord; restrictions


90.147       Deliveryof possession


90.148       Landlordacts that imply acceptance of tenant abandonment or relinquishment of right tooccupy




90.150       Serviceor delivery of actual notice


90.155       Serviceor delivery of written notice


90.160       Calculationof notice periods




90.220       Termsand conditions of rental agreement; smoking policy; rent obligation and payment


90.228       Noticeof location in 100-year flood plain


90.230       Rentalagreements for occupancy of recreational vehicle in park; remedy fornoncompliance; exception


90.243       Qualificationsfor drug and alcohol free housing; “program of recovery” defined


90.245       Prohibitedprovisions in rental agreements; remedy


90.250       Receiptof rent without obligation to maintain premises prohibited


90.255       Attorneyfees


90.260       Laterent payment charge or fee; restrictions; calculation


90.262       Useand occupancy rules and regulations; adoption; enforceability; restrictions


90.263       Vehicletags


90.265       Interestin alternative energy device installed by tenant




90.275       Temporaryoccupancy agreement; terms and conditions




90.295       Applicantscreening charge; limitations; notice upon denial of tenancy; refund; remedies


90.297       Prohibitionon charging deposit or fee to enter rental agreement; exceptions; depositallowed for securing execution of rental agreement; remedy


90.300       Securitydeposits; prepaid rent


90.302       Feesallowed for certain landlord expenses; accounting not required




90.304       Statementof reasons for denial; remedy for noncompliance


90.305       Disclosureof certain matters; retention of rental agreement; inspection of agreement


90.310       Disclosureof legal proceedings; tenant remedies for failure to disclose; liability ofmanager


90.315       Utilityor service payments; additional charges; responsibility for utility or service;remedies


90.316       Carbonmonoxide alarm


90.317       Repairor replacement of carbon monoxide alarm


90.318       Criteriafor landlord provision of certain recycling services


90.320       Landlordto maintain premises in habitable condition; agreement with tenant to maintainpremises


90.322       Landlordor agent access to premises; remedies




90.325       Tenantduties


90.340       Occupancyof premises as dwelling unit only; notice of tenant absence




90.360       Effectof landlord noncompliance with rental agreement or obligation to maintainpremises; generally


90.365       Failureof landlord to supply essential services; remedies


90.367       Applicationof security deposit or prepaid rent after notice of foreclosure


90.368       Repairof minor habitability defect


90.370       Tenantcounterclaims in action by landlord for possession or rent


90.375       Effectof unlawful ouster or exclusion; willful diminution of services


90.380       Effectof rental of dwelling in violation of building or housing codes; remedy


90.385       Retaliatoryconduct by landlord prohibited; tenant remedies and defenses; action forpossession in certain cases


90.390       Discriminationagainst tenant or applicant; tenant defense




90.392       Terminationof rental agreement by landlord for cause; tenant right to cure violation


90.394       Terminationof rental agreement for failure to pay rent


90.396       Actsor omissions justifying termination 24 hours after notice


90.398       Terminationof rental agreement for drug or alcohol violations


90.401       Remediesavailable to landlord


90.403       Takingpossession of premises from unauthorized possessor


90.405       Effectof tenant keeping unpermitted pet


90.410       Effectof tenant failure to give notice of absence; absence; abandonment


90.412       Waiverof termination of tenancy


90.414       Actsnot constituting waiver of termination of tenancy; delivery of rent refund


90.417       Dutyto pay rent; effect of acceptance of partial rent


90.420       Enforceabilityof landlord liens; distraint for rent abolished


90.425       Dispositionof personal property abandoned by tenant; notice; sale; limitation on landlordliability; tax cancellation; storage agreements; hazardous property


90.427       Terminationof periodic tenancies; landlord remedies for tenant holdover


90.429       Terminationof tenancy for certain rented spaces not covered by ORS 90.505 to 90.840


90.430       Claimsfor possession, rent, damages after termination of rental agreement


90.435       Limitationon recovery of possession of premises


90.440       Terminationof tenancy in group recovery home; recovery of possession; damages




90.445       Terminationof tenant committing criminal act of physical violence


90.449       Landlorddiscrimination against victim; exception; tenant defenses and remedies


90.453       Terminationby tenant who is victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; verificationstatement


90.456       Othertenants remaining in dwelling unit following tenant termination or exclusiondue to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking


90.459       Changeof locks at request of tenant who is victim of domestic violence, sexual assaultor stalking




90.465       Rightof city to recover from owner for costs of relocating tenant due tocondemnation; defense


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