ORS Chapter 818

Chapter 818 — VehicleLimits











818.010     Maximumallowable weight


818.012     Wheelload on certain vehicles; rules


818.020     Violatingmaximum weight limits; civil liability; penalties


818.030     Exemptionsfrom weight limitations


818.040     Violationof posted weight limits; civil liability; penalty


818.050     Exemptionsfrom posted weight limits




818.060     Violationof administratively imposed weight or size limits; civil liability; penalties


818.070     Exemptionsfrom administratively imposed weight or size limitations




818.080     Maximumsize limits


818.090     Violationof maximum size limits; civil liability; penalties


818.100     Exemptionsfrom size limitations


818.105     Requestfor unrestricted access to specified highway for overlength combination;mandated responses to request




818.110     Exceedingmaximum number of vehicles in combination; civil liability; penalty


818.120     Exemptionsfrom limits on number of vehicles in combinations




818.130     Violationof posted limits on use; civil liability; penalty


818.140     Exemptionsfrom posted use limits




818.150     Safetyrequirements for towing


818.160     Violatingtowing safety requirements; civil liability; penalty


818.170     Exemptionsfrom towing safety requirements




818.200     Authorityto issue variance permits; effect of permit; violation of permit


818.205     Continuousoperation variance permit; standards; relationship to permit issued under ORS 818.200;fee


818.210     Limitson authority to issue variance permit


818.220     Requirements,conditions and procedures for issuance of variance permit; duration;cancellation; rules


818.225     Roaduse assessment fee for single-trip nondivisible load permittee; definition of “equivalentsingle-axle load”; rules


818.230     Siftingor leaking load permit; duration; fee


818.235     Permitfor wide load of hay bales


818.240     Draggingpermit; fee


818.250     Permitfor fire company warning lights


818.260     Permitfor use of bus safety lights on certain buses; rules; fee


818.270     Feesfor permits




818.300     Operatingwith sifting or leaking load; civil liability; penalty


818.310     Exemptionsfrom prohibition on sifting and leaking load


818.320     Draggingobjects on highway; civil liability; penalty


818.330     Exemptionsfrom prohibition on dragging objects on highway


818.340     Operatingin violation of variance permit; exception; civil liability; penalties


818.350     Failureto carry and display variance permit; penalty




818.400     Failureto comply with commercial vehicle enforcement requirements; penalty


818.410     Civilliability for certain violations


818.420     Penaltiesfor certain violations


818.430     Penaltiesfor violation of weight requirements


818.440     Penaltyfor procuring, aiding or abetting violation of this chapter


818.450     Civilpenalty for violations of chapter




      818.010Maximum allowable weight. This section establishes maximum weight limitationsfor purposes of ORS 818.020. Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5) ofthis section or where an exemption under ORS 818.030 specifically providesotherwise, a loaded weight that exceeds the maximum allowable weight asdetermined by any of the following tables exceeds the maximum weight limitationsfor purposes of ORS 818.020:

      (1)A vehicle exceeds the maximum allowable weight if the loaded weight of an axleor tandem axle is in excess of that determined by the formula in the followingtable:



Table I

      Themanufacturer’s side wall tire rating (but not to exceed 600 pounds) ´the sum of the tire widths, ininches, of the wheels of the axle or tandem axles = maximum allowable weight.



Forpurposes of the table in this subsection tire width is determined by measuringthe cross section of the tread of a wheel, the outer face of a track or therunner of a sled except for the following:

      (a)For solid tires made of elastic material, tire width is determined by measuringthe cross section between the flanges of the circumference of a wheel at thebase of the tire as customarily measured and rated by the manufacturers ofmotor vehicles and tires.

      (b)For pneumatic tires made of elastic material, tire width is the diameter of thecross section of the tire as customarily measured and rated by themanufacturers of motor vehicles and tires.

      (2)A vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeds the maximum allowable weight ifthe loaded weight measured at any of the places designated on the followingtable exceeds the maximum allowable weight established on the table formeasurement at that place:



Table II


Placefor measurement                        Maximum allowable

ofweight                                             weight in pounds

Anyindividual wheel                                   10,000

Anyaxle                                                        20,000

Anytandem axles                                         34,000



      (3)A vehicle, group of axles or combination of vehicles exceeds the maximumallowable weight if the loaded weight is in excess of maximum allowable weightas determined by the method in the following table that produces the lowerallowable maximum weight:



Table III

(Maximumallowable weight

determined bywhichever of the

followingmethods produces lower weight:)

Method A

      Thesum of permissible axle, tandem axles or group of axles weights as determinedunder Table I or II of this section is the maximum allowable weight.


Method B




firstand           Maximum allowable weight in pounds

lastaxle           for number of axles in group of axles:


ofaxles:                     2                      3                      4                      5                      6                  7or

                               Axles               Axles               Axles               Axles               Axles           More


4...................... 34,000

5...................... 34,000

6...................... 34,000

7...................... 34,000


less.................. 34,000             34,000


than8.............. 38,000             42,000

9...................... 39,000             42,500

10.................... 40,000             43,500

11.................... 40,000             44,000

12.................... 40,000             45,000             50,000

13.................... 40,000             45,500             50,500

14.................... 40,000             46,500             51,500

15.................... 40,000             47,000             52,000

16.................... 40,000             48,000             52,500             58,000

17.................... 40,000             48,500             53,500             58,500

18.................... 40,000             49,500             54,000             59,000

19.................... 40,000             50,000             54,500             60,000

20.................... 40,000             51,000             55,500             60,500             66,000

21.................... 40,000             51,500             56,000             61,000             66,500

22.................... 40,000             52,500             56,500             61,500             67,000

23.................... 40,000             53,000             57,500             62,500             68,000

24.................... 40,000             54,000             58,000             63,000             68,500             74,000

25.................... 40,000             54,500             58,500             63,500             69,000             74,500

26.................... 40,000             55,500             59,500             64,000             69,500             75,000

27.................... 40,000             56,000             60,000             65,000             70,000             75,500

28.................... 40,000             57,000             60,500             65,500             71,000             76,500

29.................... 40,000             57,500             61,500             66,000             71,500             77,000

30.................... 40,000             58,500             62,000             66,500             72,000             77,500

31.................... 40,000             59,000             62,500             67,500             72,500             78,000

32.................... 40,000             60,000             63,500             68,000             73,000             78,500

33.................... 40,000             60,000             64,000             68,500             74,000             79,000

34.................... 40,000             60,000             64,500             69,000             74,500             80,000

35.................... 40,000             60,000             65,500             70,000             75,000             80,000

36.................... 40,000             60,000             66,000             70,500             75,500             80,000

37.................... 40,000             60,000             66,500             71,000             76,000             80,000

38.................... 40,000             60,000             67,500             71,500             77,000             80,000

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