ORS Chapter 816
Chapter 816 — VehicleEquipment: Lights
816.010 Authorityto adopt and enforce standards for lighting equipment; testing for compliancewith standards
816.020 Motorcarriers under jurisdiction of Department of Transportation
816.030 Sellingnoncomplying lighting equipment; penalty
816.040 Lightingequipment standards; effect of rules
816.050 Headlights;rules
816.060 Auxiliarylights
816.070 Passinglights
816.080 Taillights
816.090 Registrationplate lights
816.100 Brakelights
816.110 Back-uplights
816.120 Turnsignals
816.130 Parkinglights
816.140 Cowlor fender lights
816.150 Highbeam indicator
816.160 Rearmounted lighting system
816.170 Spotlights
816.180 Reflectors
816.190 Markerlights
816.200 Clearancelights
816.210 Identificationlights
816.220 Exempt-vehiclesafety lighting equipment
816.230 Foglights
816.240 Hazardlights
816.250 Policelights
816.260 Bussafety lights
816.270 Maildelivery lights
816.280 Warninglights
816.285 Firedepartment warning lights
816.290 Endload lights
816.300 Operationwith nonstandard lighting equipment; penalty
816.310 Exemptionsfrom lighting equipment requirements
816.320 Lightingequipment required for motor vehicles
816.330 Operationwithout required lighting equipment; penalty
816.340 Exemptionsfrom required equipment
816.350 Prohibitionson number and kind of lights for certain vehicles
816.360 Useof prohibited lighting equipment; penalty
816.370 Exemptionsfrom lighting equipment prohibitions
816.010Authority to adopt and enforce standards for lighting equipment; testing forcompliance with standards. (1) The Department of Transportation shall adoptand enforce minimum standards for vehicle lighting equipment under ORS 816.040to 816.290 including installation, adjustment and aiming and adjustment when inuse on motor vehicles.
(2)As federal regulations concerning vehicle lighting equipment are subsequentlyamended or repealed, the department may consider subsequent federal vehiclelighting equipment standards and adopt standards with respect to any vehiclelighting equipment applicable to the same aspect of performance of the vehiclelighting equipment if the department determines that the subsequent federalstandards are practicable, provide an objective standard and meet the need forvehicle safety.
(3)When the department has reason to believe that any lighting equipment, as it isbeing sold commercially, does not comply with established standards, thedepartment may have the device tested by a recognized testing laboratory todetermine if the lighting equipment complies with the standards adopted underthis section.
(4)Standards adopted under this section must be consistent with vehicle standardsestablished under federal regulations or by the Society of AutomotiveEngineers.
(5)Standards adopted by the department under this section supersede any equipmentprovision of the vehicle code applicable to the same aspect of performance thatconflicts with a specific provision of a standard adopted by the departmentunder this section with respect to compliance with safety standards in effectat the time of sale.
(6)The department shall continue to adopt equipment standards as required underother sections of the vehicle code if there are no standards under thissection.
(7)The department may at any time purchase in the open market and submit to thetesting laboratory one or more sets of any lighting equipment, and if thelighting equipment, upon testing, fails to meet the standards adopted for lightingequipment under this section, the department shall enforce the penalties setforth in ORS 816.030 to 816.300.
(8)Prohibitions and penalties relating to the standards adopted under this sectionare set forth in ORS 816.030 to 816.300. [1983 c.338 §447; 2003 c.158 §17]
816.020Motor carriers under jurisdiction of Department of Transportation. With respect tomotor carriers operated under the jurisdiction of the Department ofTransportation, the department may adopt standard specifications at variancewith the requirements and standards for vehicle lighting equipment under ORS811.515 to 811.525 or 816.040 to 816.370 whenever standard specificationsadopted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are different fromthose established by those sections. The standard specifications so adopted bythe department shall conform to standard specifications adopted by the FederalMotor Carrier Safety Administration for vehicles operating in interstatecommerce. [1983 c.338 §448; 1985 c.16 §235; 1995 c.733 §89; 2003 c.158 §18]
816.030Selling noncomplying lighting equipment; penalty. (1) A personcommits the offense of selling noncomplying lighting equipment if the personsells or offers for sale for use upon or as part of the equipment of anyvehicle any vehicle lighting equipment that does not comply with standardsadopted by the Department of Transportation under ORS 816.010.
(2)The offense described in this section, selling noncomplying lighting equipment,is a Class D traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §453; 1995 c.383 §29; 2003 c.158 §19]
816.040Lighting equipment standards; effect of rules. ORS 816.040 to816.290 establish requirements for ORS 816.300. Except where an exemption underORS 816.310 specifically provides otherwise, any vehicle lighting that does notcomply with ORS 816.040 to 816.290 violates ORS 816.300 and is subject to thepenalty provided for in ORS 816.040 to 816.290. Each of the following is arequirement for lighting equipment described in ORS 816.040 to 816.290:
(1)Whenever ORS 816.040 to 816.290 specify either the distance from which lightingequipment shall render objects visible or the distance within which lightingequipment shall be visible, that distance of visibility, unless a differenttime or condition is expressly stated, shall be as determined:
(a)Under normal atmospheric conditions;
(b)At any time from sunset to sunrise or any other time when, due to insufficientlight, persons and vehicles are not clearly discernible at a distance of 1,000feet; and
(c)On a straight, level unlighted highway.
(2)Whenever ORS 816.040 to 816.290 specify the mounted height of lightingequipment, the height shall be determined from the center of the lightingequipment to the level ground upon which the vehicle stands.
(3)Any standard provided for a piece of lighting equipment under ORS 816.040 to816.290 is subject to being superseded by a rule adopted by the Department ofTransportation as provided under ORS 815.030. [1983 c.338 §458 (1); 1985 c.16 §240(1); 1985 c.69 §1 (1); 1985 c.71 §4 (1); 1985 c.393 §13 (1); 1985 c.420 §6 (1);1995 c.733 §90]
816.050Headlights; rules.Each of the following is a requirement for headlights as described:
(1)On vehicles required to be equipped with two or more headlights under ORS816.320 and 816.330 the headlights shall be equally distributed on each side ofthe front of the vehicle. This subsection does not apply to motorcycles andmopeds.
(2)Headlights shall show a continuously burning light except that:
(a)When permitted under ORS 814.320, headlights for motorcycles or mopeds may havean upper beam that can be modulated between a high and lower brightness at arate of 200 to 280 pulses per minute.
(b)A federally approved headlight flashing system may be used as emergency vehiclelights on police, fire, emergency or ambulance vehicles.
(3)Headlights shall show a white light described in Standard Number 108 of theFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
(4)Headlights shall show the light forward.
(5)The Department of Transportation shall adopt and enforce rules establishingminimum standards and specifications for headlights. The rules shall conform,insofar as practicable, to safety standards and specifications for vehiclelighting issued by the federal government or to standards and recommendationsestablished by the Society of Automotive Engineers.
(6)When multiple beam headlights are used or when headlights are used incombination with auxiliary lights or passing lights, the lights shall bearranged on the vehicle so that the selection between distributions of lightprojected to different elevations may be selected by the driver at will or sothat the selection can be made automatically.
(7)Headlights shall be aimed in accordance with rules adopted by the department.If headlights provide only a single distribution of light and are notsupplemented by auxiliary lights, the single beam headlights shall be so aimedthat when the vehicle is not loaded, none of the high intensity portion of thelight shall, at a distance of 25 feet ahead of the vehicle, project higher thanfive inches below the level of the center of the lamp from which it comes, orhigher than 42 inches above the level on which the vehicle stands at a distanceof 75 feet ahead of the vehicle.
(8)The intensity of the light of single beam headlights shall be sufficient toreveal persons and vehicles upon a street or highway at a distance of at least200 feet ahead of the vehicle to which they are attached.
(9)Headlights that are required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 must be mounted,adjusted and aimed in accordance with standards adopted by the department underORS 816.010.
(10)Headlights that are required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 and any part forsuch headlight that tends to change the original design or performance must beof a type that complies with standards adopted by the department under ORS816.010.
(11)Single beam headlights that are not supplemented by auxiliary lights shall bepermitted on a motor vehicle in lieu of multiple beam headlights only if thesingle distribution of lights complies with any requirements for single beamheadlights under this section. [1983 c.338 §458 (2); 1985 c.16 §240 (2); 1985c.69 §1 (2); 1985 c.71 §4 (2); 1985 c.393 §13 (2); 1985 c.420 §6 (2); 1989c.402 §8; 1991 c.769 §1; 2003 c.158 §20]
816.060Auxiliary lights.(1) As used in this section, “auxiliary lights” means low beam auxiliarylights.
(2)When auxiliary lights are used in combination with headlights, the combinationof lights shall be arranged on the vehicle so that the selection betweendistributions of light projected to different elevations may be selected by thedriver at will or so that the selection can be made automatically.
(3)Auxiliary lights shall be wired in accordance with rules adopted by theDepartment of Transportation.
(4)Auxiliary lights shall be mounted, adjusted and aimed in accordance with rulesadopted by the department.
(5)Auxiliary lights mounted on a vehicle for highway use shall be mounted at aheight of 54 inches or less above the level surface upon which the vehiclestands. Auxiliary lights mounted higher than 54 inches are subject to anylimitation on use under ORS 811.515 and 811.520.
(6)Auxiliary lights and any part for such light that tends to change the originaldesign or performance must be of a type that complies with standards adopted bythe department under ORS 816.010.
(7)Auxiliary lights shall show a white light forward. [1983 c.338 §458 (3); 1985c.16 §240 (3); 1985 c.69 §1 (3); 1985 c.71 §4 (3); 1985 c.393 §13 (3); 1985c.420 §6 (3); 2003 c.158 §21]
816.070Passing lights.(1) As used in this section, “passing lights” means high beam auxiliary lights.
(2)When passing lights are used in combination with headlights, the combination oflights shall be arranged on the vehicle so that the selection betweendistributions of light projected to different elevations may be selected by thedriver at will or so that the selection can be made automatically.
(3)Passing lights shall be wired in accordance with rules adopted by theDepartment of Transportation.
(4)Passing lights shall be aimed in accordance with rules adopted by thedepartment.
(5)Passing lights shall show a white light forward. [1983 c.338 §458 (4); 1985c.16 §240 (4); 1985 c.69 §1 (4); 1985 c.71 §4 (4); 1985 c.393 §13 (4); 1985c.420 §6 (4); 2003 c.158 §22]
816.080Taillights.(1) Taillights shall be mounted on the rear of a vehicle.
(2)Except as otherwise provided in this section, when lighted, taillights shallemit a red light.
(3)When lighted, taillights shall emit a light plainly visible from a distance of500 feet to the rear.
(4)Taillights may be constructed so as to include registration plate lights.
(5)Taillights shall be wired so as to be lighted whenever the headlights orauxiliary lights are lighted.
(6)Taillights that are required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 must be mounted,adjusted and aimed in accordance with the standards adopted by the Departmentof Transportation.
(7)Taillights that are required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 and any part forsuch light that tends to change the original design or performance must be of atype that complies with standards adopted by the department under ORS 816.010.
(8)On a motor vehicle that was manufactured before 1959, the taillight or thetaillight assembly, if the taillight is combined with another light, maycontain a blue or purple insert of not more than one inch in diameter. [1983 c.338§458 (5); 1985 c.16 §240 (5); 1985 c.69 §1 (5); 1985 c.71 §4 (5); 1985 c.393 §13(5); 1985 c.420 §6 (5); 1997 c.492 §1; 2003 c.158 §23]
816.090Registration plate lights. Each of the following is a requirement forregistration plate lights as described:
(1)A registration plate light shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminatethe rear registration plate of the vehicle.
(2)A registration plate light may either be constructed as a separate light or aspart of a taillight.
(3)A registration plate light shall show a white light.
(4)A registration plate light shall render the rear registration plate clearlylegible from a distance of 50 feet to the rear.
(5)A registration plate light shall be wired so as to be lighted whenever theheadlights or auxiliary lights are lighted. [1983 c.338 §458 (6); 1985 c.16 §240(6); 1985 c.69 §1 (6); 1985 c.71 §4 (6); 1985 c.393 §13 (6); 1985 c.420 §6 (6)]
816.100Brake lights.Each of the following is a requirement for brake lights as described:
(1)Brake lights shall be placed on the rear of the vehicle. Where more than onebrake light is required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 at least one brake lightshall be placed on each side of the rear.
(2)Brake lights shall be constructed and located on a vehicle so as to give asignal of intention to stop.
(3)Brake lights shall emit a red light. If the motor vehicle was manufacturedbefore 1959 and the brake light is combined with the taillight in a taillightassembly, the assembly may contain an insert as described under ORS 816.080.
(4)Except as provided in subsection (11) of this section, brake lights shall emita steady burning light.
(5)Brake lights shall emit a light that is plainly visible and capable of beingseen and distinguished from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of the vehiclein normal daylight.
(6)Brake lights required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 shall be mounted, so far aspracticable, in such a manner as to reduce the hazard of being obscured by mudor dust thrown by the wheels.
(7)Brake lights shall not project a glaring or dazzling light.
(8)Brake lights may be incorporated with a taillight.
(9)Brake lights shall be activated upon application of the service brake.
(10)Brake lights required under ORS 816.320 and 816.330 or any parts for brakelights must comply with standards adopted by the Department of Transportationunder ORS 816.010.
(11)Brake lights for motorcycles may flash intermittently, provided that the brakelights do not override the rear turn signal function. [1983 c.338 §458 (7);1985 c.16 §240 (7); 1985 c.69 §1 (7); 1985 c.71 §4 (7); 1985 c.393 §13 (7);1985 c.420 §6 (7); 1997 c.492 §2; 2003 c.158 §24]
816.110Back-up lights.Back-up lights may be constructed either separately or in combination withanother light. [1983 c.338 §458 (8); 1985 c.16 §240 (8); 1985 c.69 §1 (8); 1985c.71 §4 (8); 1985 c.393 §13 (8); 1985 c.420 §6 (8)]