ORS Chapter 814
Chapter 814 — Pedestrians;Passengers; Livestock; Motorized Wheelchairs;
Vehicles WithFewer Than Four Wheels
(TrafficControl Devices)
814.010 Appropriateresponses to traffic control devices
814.020 Failureto obey traffic control device; penalty
814.030 Failureto obey bridge or railroad signal; penalty
814.040 Failureto yield to vehicle; penalty
814.050 Failureto yield to ambulance or emergency vehicle; penalty
814.060 Failureto use pedestrian tunnel or overhead crossing; penalty
814.070 Improperposition upon or improperly proceeding along highway; penalty
814.080 Unlawfulhitchhiking; penalty
814.100 Rightsof driver and passengers of disabled vehicle on freeway
814.110 Rightsfor persons who are blind or who are blind and deaf
814.120 Unlawfuluse of white cane; penalty
814.130 Passengerobstruction of driver; penalty
814.140 Applicationof vehicle laws to animal on roadway
814.150 Failureto perform duties of person in charge of livestock on highway; penalty
814.200 Unlawfuloperation of motorcycle or moped; penalty
814.210 Operationof moped on sidewalk or bicycle trail; penalty
814.220 Motorcyclistclinging to another vehicle; penalty
814.230 Mopedoperator or rider clinging to other vehicle; penalty
814.240 Motorcycleor moped unlawful passing; penalty
814.250 Mopedor motorcycle operating more than two abreast; penalty
814.260 Failureof moped operator to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty
814.269 Failureof motorcycle operator to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty
814.275 Failureof motorcycle passenger to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty
814.280 Endangeringmotorcycle passenger; penalty
814.290 Exemptionsfrom motorcycle helmet requirements
814.310 Illegalalteration of moped; penalty
814.320 Failureto display lighted headlights; exceptions; penalty
814.325 Carryingpassenger on motorcycle; penalty
814.330 Carryingpassenger on moped; penalty
814.340 Ridingas passenger on moped; penalty
814.400 Applicationof vehicle laws to bicycles
814.405 Statusof electric assisted bicycle
814.410 Unsafeoperation of bicycle on sidewalk; penalty
814.420 Failureto use bicycle lane or path; exceptions; penalty
814.430 Improperuse of lanes; exceptions; penalty
814.440 Failureto signal turn; exceptions; penalty
814.450 Unlawfulload on bicycle; penalty
814.460 Unlawfulpassengers on bicycle; penalty
814.470 Failureto use bicycle seat; penalty
814.480 Nonmotorizedvehicle clinging to another vehicle; penalty
814.484 Meaningof “bicycle” and “operating or riding on a highway”
814.485 Failureto wear protective headgear; penalty
814.486 Endangeringbicycle operator or passenger; penalty
814.487 Exemptionsfrom protective headgear requirements
814.488 Citations;exemption from requirement to pay fine
814.489 Useof evidence of lack of protective headgear on bicyclist
814.500 Rightsand duties of person riding motorized wheelchair on bicycle lane or path
814.510 Applicationof vehicle laws to motor assisted scooters
814.512 Unlawfuloperation of motor assisted scooter; penalty
814.514 Failureof operator of motor assisted scooter to use bicycle lane or path; exception;penalty
814.516 Prohibitionon operation of motor assisted scooters in state parks
814.518 Improperoperation of motor assisted scooter on highway; exceptions; penalty
814.520 Improperoperation of motor assisted scooter in lane; exceptions; penalty
814.522 Failureto signal; exception; penalty
814.524 Unsafeoperation of motor assisted scooter on sidewalk; penalty
814.526 Unsafeoperation of motor assisted scooter on bicycle path or lane; penalty
814.528 Operationof motor assisted scooter in crosswalk; exception; penalty
814.530 Carryingpassenger on motor assisted scooter; penalty
814.532 Operatingmotor assisted scooter with unlawful load; penalty
814.534 Failureof motor assisted scooter operator to wear protective headgear; exception;penalty
814.536 Endangeringmotor assisted scooter operator; penalty
814.550 Applicationof vehicle laws to electric personal assistive mobility device
814.552 Unsafeoperation of electric personal assistive mobility device; penalty
814.554 Localgovernment and state agency regulation of operation of electric personalassistive mobility devices
814.600 Failureof skateboarder, scooter rider or in-line skater to wear protective headgear;penalty
(TrafficControl Devices)
814.010Appropriate responses to traffic control devices. This sectionestablishes appropriate pedestrian responses to specific traffic controldevices for purposes of ORS 814.020. Authority to place traffic control devicesis established under ORS 810.210. Except when acting under the direction of apolice officer, a pedestrian is in violation of ORS 814.020 if the pedestrianmakes a response to a traffic control device that is not permitted under thefollowing:
(1)A pedestrian facing a traffic control device with a green light may proceedacross the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk unless prohibitedfrom doing so by other traffic control devices.
(2)A pedestrian facing a traffic control device with a green arrow signal lightmay proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk unlessprohibited from doing so by other traffic control devices.
(3)A pedestrian facing a traffic control device with a steady yellow light shallnot enter the roadway unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal.
(4)A pedestrian facing a traffic control device with a steady red light shall notenter the roadway unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal.
(5)If a traffic control device is erected and maintained at a place other than anintersection, the provisions of this section are applicable.
(6)When a pedestrian control signal showing the words “Walk” and “Wait” or “Don’tWalk” or any other pedestrian symbol approved by the Oregon TransportationCommission under ORS 810.200 and 810.210 for the purpose of controllingpedestrian crossing is in place, the signal indicates and applies as follows:
(a)If a pedestrian is facing a “Walk” signal or other symbol approved under ORS810.200 and 810.210 indicating that the pedestrian may proceed, the pedestrianmay proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal.
(b)A pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway in the direction of a signalshowing a “Wait” or “Don’t Walk” or any other symbol approved under ORS 810.200and 810.210 indicating that the pedestrian may not proceed. A pedestrian who hasstarted crossing a roadway on a signal showing “Walk” or any other approvedsymbol to proceed shall proceed with dispatch to a sidewalk or safety islandwhile a signal is showing “Wait” or “Don’t Walk” or any other approved symbolindicating not to proceed. [1983 c.338 §553; 1985 c.16 §282]
814.020Failure to obey traffic control device; penalty. (1) Apedestrian commits the offense of pedestrian failure to obey traffic controldevices if the pedestrian does any of the following:
(a)Fails to obey any traffic control device specifically applicable to thepedestrian.
(b)Fails to obey any specific traffic control device described in ORS 814.010 inthe manner required by that section.
(2)A pedestrian is not subject to the requirements of this section if thepedestrian complies with directions of a police officer.
(3)The offense described in this section, pedestrian failure to obey trafficcontrol devices, is a Class D traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §552; 1995 c.383 §82]
814.030Failure to obey bridge or railroad signal; penalty. (1) Apedestrian commits the offense of pedestrian failure to obey bridge or railroadsignal if the pedestrian does any of the following:
(a)Enters or remains upon a bridge or approach to a bridge beyond the bridgesignal, gate or barricade after a bridge operation signal has been given.
(b)Passes through, around, over or under any crossing gate or barrier at a bridgeor railroad grade crossing while the gate or barrier is closed or being openedor closed.
(2)The offense described in this section, pedestrian failure to obey bridge orrailroad signal, is a Class D traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §554; 1995 c.383 §83]
814.040Failure to yield to vehicle; penalty. (1) A pedestrian commits the offense ofpedestrian failure to yield to a vehicle if the pedestrian does any of thefollowing:
(a)Suddenly leaves a curb or other place of safety and moves into the path of avehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.
(b)Fails to yield the right of way to a vehicle upon a roadway when the pedestrianis crossing the roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or anunmarked crosswalk at an intersection.
(c)Except as otherwise provided under the vehicle code, fails to yield the rightof way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(2)The offense described in this section, pedestrian failure to yield to avehicle, is a Class D traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §555; 1995 c.383 §84]