ORS Chapter 801
Chapter 801. GeneralProvisions and Definitions for Oregon Vehicle Code
802. AdministrativeProvisions
803. VehicleTitle and Registration
805. SpecialRegistration Provisions
806. FinancialResponsibility Law
807. DrivingPrivileges and Identification Cards
809. Refusal,Suspension, Cancellation and Revocation of Registration, Title, DrivingPrivileges and Identification Card; Vehicle Impoundment
810. RoadAuthorities; Courts; Police; Other Enforcement Officials
811. Rulesof the Road for Drivers
813. DrivingUnder the Influence of Intoxicants
814. Pedestrians;Passengers; Livestock; Motorized Wheelchairs; Vehicles With Fewer Than FourWheels
815. VehicleEquipment Generally
816. VehicleEquipment: Lights
818. VehicleLimits
819. Destroyed,Totaled, Abandoned, Low-Value and Stolen Vehicles; Vehicle IdentificationNumbers; Vehicle Appraisers
820. SpecialProvisions for Certain Vehicles
821. Off-RoadVehicles; Snowmobiles; All-Terrain Vehicles
822. Regulationof Vehicle Related Businesses
823. CarrierRegulation Generally
824. Railroads
825. MotorCarriers
826. Registrationof Commercial Vehicles
Chapter 801 — GeneralProvisions and Definitions for Oregon Vehicle Code
801.010 Shorttitle
801.015 Effectof naming offenses
801.020 Statementsof policy and purpose; applicability of vehicle code
801.026 Generalexemptions; exceptions
801.030 Exemptionsfrom amendments to vehicle code
801.038 Localgovernment regulation of cell phones in motor vehicles
801.040 Authorityto adopt special provisions
801.041 Termsand conditions for imposition of registration fee by county
801.042 Termsand conditions for imposition of registration fee by district
801.043 Moneysrequired by department for initial implementation of registration fees
801.045 Permissiveuse of private roadway
801.050 Privilegeof motorist to use highways
801.055 Weightstandards; Department of Transportation responsibility for weightdetermination; rules
801.060 Conditionsfor expending funds for implementation of Real ID Act
801.063 Securityrequirements
801.066 Report
801.100 Definitionsgenerally
801.110 “Alley”
801.115 “Ambulance”
801.120 “Ambulatorydisability”
801.125 “Antiquevehicle”
801.127 “Arterial”
801.130 “Assembledvehicle”
801.135 “Axle”
801.140 “Balancetrailer”
801.145 “Basefine amount”
801.150 “Bicycle”
801.155 “Bicyclelane”
801.160 “Bicyclepath”
801.163 “Biometricdata”
801.165 “Bustrailer”
801.170 “Businessdistrict”
801.175 “Canceled”;“cancellation”
801.180 “Camper”
801.183 “Certificateof sale”
801.185 “Certificateof title”
801.187 “Circulatoryroadway”
801.190 “ClassI all-terrain vehicle”
801.193 “ClassII all-terrain vehicle”
801.194 “ClassIII all-terrain vehicle”
801.197 “Collector”
801.198 “Combinationof vehicles”
801.199 “Combinedweight”
801.200 “Commercialbus”
801.205 “Commercialbus trailer”
801.207 “Commercialdriver license”
801.208 “Commercialmotor vehicle”
801.210 “Commercialvehicle”
801.215 “Commission”
801.217 “Converterdolly”
801.220 “Crosswalk”
801.225 “Department”
801.230 “Director”
801.236 “Dismantler”
801.237 “District”defined for certain purposes
801.245 “Driverlicense”
801.250 “Driverpermit”
801.255 “Drivingprivilege”
801.258 “Electricassisted bicycle”
801.259 “Electricpersonal assistive mobility device”
801.260 “Emergencyvehicle”
801.261 “Endorsement”
801.263 “Enginebrake”
801.265 “Farmtractor”
801.270 “Farmtrailer”
801.272 “Fieldsobriety test”
801.275 “Fifthwheel hitch”
801.280 “Financialresponsibility requirements”
801.285 “Fixedload vehicle”
801.288 “Funeralescort vehicle”; “funeral lead vehicle”; “funeral procession”
801.290 “Futureresponsibility filing”
801.295 “Golfcart”
801.297 “Grosscombination weight rating”
801.298 “Grossvehicle weight rating”
801.300 “Groupof axles”
801.303 “Hazardousmaterials”
801.305 “Highway”
801.307 “Holdsa commercial driver license”
801.308 “Identitysource documents”
801.310 “Implementof husbandry”
801.317 “Inhalant”
801.320 “Intersection”