ORS Chapter 744
Chapter 744 — InsuranceProducers; Life Settlement Providers,
Brokers andContracts; Adjusters; Consultants; Third Party Administrators;
ReinsuranceIntermediaries; Rental Company Limited Licenses
744.001 Licenseapplication; fees
744.002 Licensecategories
744.003 Amendmentto license
744.004 Firmor corporation license
744.007 Timeof expiration of license; renewal fee; rules
744.008 Renewalof license; fee; rules
744.009 Renewalof expired license; fee
744.011 Director’sauthority to investigate licensee; qualification for license by person whovoluntarily surrendered license
744.013 Disciplinaryactions against applicant, adjuster or insurance consultant
744.014 Conditionof probation on license or on category or class of insurance; disciplinaryaction during probationary period
744.018 Reinstatementof license; modification of suspension
744.022 Authorizedactivities
744.024 Placesof business for resident adjuster or insurance consultant; records
744.026 Placeof business for nonresident adjuster or insurance consultant; records
744.028 Noticeof change of address or telephone number
744.031 Noticeof personnel changes from firm or corporate adjuster or insurance consultant todirector; rules
744.033 Mannerof application or notification
744.037 Fees;refunds; rules
744.052 Definitions
744.053 Requirementsto be licensed as insurance producer for class of insurance
744.056 Exemptionsfrom insurance producer licensing requirements
744.058 Writtenexamination; fees; rules
744.059 Qualificationsfor license; use of uniform application
744.061 Bankinginstitution as insurance producer
744.062 Issuanceof insurance producer license; rules
744.063 Nonresidentinsurance producer license; fee
744.064 Personslicensed elsewhere
744.067 Exemptionsfrom prelicensing education or examination requirement
744.068 Requirednotifications; maintenance of usual and customary records; rules
744.072 Renewalor reinstatement of insurance producer license; continuing education; rules
744.073 Temporaryinsurance producer license
744.074 Authorityof director to place licensee on probation or to suspend, revoke or refuse toissue or renew license
744.076 Paymentof commission, service fee or brokerage
744.077 Conditionsunder which person licensed as insurance producer and consultant may acceptcommission or fee; rules
744.078 Appointmentof insurance producers; rules
744.079 Terminationof relationship with insurance producer
744.081 Terminationof appointment
744.082 Waiverof requirement for nonresident insurance producer license applicant
744.083 Trustaccount for premium funds; commingling; exceptions; rules
744.084 Certificateof deposit in lieu of trust account; rules
744.086 Applicabilityof Insurance Code to insurance producers transacting title insurance
744.087 Filinginsurance producers compensation agreements; filing not public record
744.088 Trainingrequirements to be licensed as insurance producer for long term care insurance
744.089 Reportof administrative action taken against insurance producer
744.091 Additionalconditions under which person licensed as insurer or insurance producer maycharge commission or service fee; rules
744.093 Solicitationor sale of insurance policy by retail insurance producer or wholesale insuranceproducer; rules
744.300 Licenseand indorsement; managing general agent described
744.301 Exemptionsfrom license requirement
744.303 Certificateof errors and omissions insurance; rules
744.306 Contractbetween insurer and managing general agent
744.308 Limitationson authority of insurer and managing general agent
744.311 Books,bank accounts and records
744.313 Financialexamination; loss reserves; notification of appointment and termination; actsof managing general agent attributed to insurer
744.314 Rules
744.316 Authorityof director if managing general agent violates provisions of ORS 744.300 to744.316
744.318 Definitions
744.321 Lifesettlement providers
744.323 Lifesettlement brokers
744.324 Lifesettlement investment agents
744.326 Licenseapplication; fee
744.328 Issuanceof license
744.331 Expirationof license; rules for renewal
744.333 Individualacting as provider under license of firm or corporation
744.336 Notificationby licensee of material change affecting qualification for license
744.338 Suspension,revocation, refusal to issue or renew license
744.341 Termsof contract
744.343 Annualreport and statement by provider; restrictions on disclosure of information;rules
744.346 Examinationof business and practices of licensee or applicant; records
744.354 Disclosureby life settlement provider, broker or investment agent to policy owner
744.359 Disclosureby life settlement broker or provider to insurer
744.362 Disclosureby insurance company to policy owner; rules
744.364 Lifesettlement contract requirements
744.367 Limitationson ability to enter life settlement contract; exceptions
744.369 Unlawfullife settlement contract actions
744.372 Advertisingof life settlement contracts; rules
744.374 Enforcementof life settlement contract provisions; reporting of violations; requiredantifraud initiatives
744.382 Prohibitionson finder’s fee, solicitations, discrimination
744.384 Rules;standards
744.505 Adjusterlicense required
744.515 Exemptionsfrom adjuster licensing requirement
744.525 Adjusterqualifications
744.528 Nonresidentadjuster license
744.531 Classesof insurance for adjusters
744.535 Adjusterlicensing examination
744.538 Changeof circumstance of nonresident adjuster
744.541 Adjustmentof claim under policy issued by unauthorized insurer
744.555 Temporaryadjuster permit
744.575 Adjustingclaims involving credit life or credit health insurance
744.605 Insuranceconsultant’s license required
744.609 Exemptions