ORS Chapter 735
Chapter 735 — AlternativeInsurance
735.005 Definitionsfor ORS 735.005 to 735.145
735.015 Purpose
735.025 Construction
735.035 Application
735.045 OregonFAIR Plan Association; insurers required to be members; plan of operation
735.055 Associationboard of directors; appointment; compensation, expenses of members; quorum
735.065 Requiredassociation functions; assessments
735.075 Discretionaryassociation functions
735.085 Planof operation; submission to director; approval of plan; compliance with plan;rules
735.095 Contentsof plan of operation
735.105 Regulationof association as insurer; financial report to director
735.115 Exemptionof association from fees and taxes
735.145 Immunityfrom legal action in carrying out duties
735.200 Legislativefindings; purpose
735.205 Definitionsfor ORS 735.200 to 735.260
735.210 Formationof market assistance plans; rules
735.215 Findingsprior to formation of joint underwriting association; hearing
735.220 Formationof joint underwriting association; funds
735.225 Membershipin joint underwriting association
735.230 Rates;approval
735.235 Boardof directors
735.240 Annualstatement
735.245 Conditionsfor policyholder surcharge
735.250 Exemptionfrom liability
735.255 Statenot liable to pay debts of association
735.260 Rules
735.265 Liquorliability insurance risk and rate classifications; rules
735.300 Purposeof ORS 735.300 to 735.365
735.305 Definitionsfor ORS 735.300 to 735.365
735.310 Qualificationsfor risk retention group; plan of operation; application; notification toNational Association of Insurance Commissioners
735.315 Foreignrisk retention groups; conditions of doing business in Oregon; prohibited acts
735.320 Relationshipto insurance guaranty fund and joint underwriting association
735.325 Exemptionof purchasing groups from certain laws
735.330 Purchasinggroups; notice of intent to do business; registration; exceptions
735.335 Purchaseof insurance by purchasing group
735.340 InsuranceCode enforcement authority subject to federal law
735.345 Violationof ORS 735.300 to 735.365; penalties
735.350 Agentor broker; license
735.355 Courtorders enforceable in Oregon
735.360 Rules
735.365 Shorttitle
735.400 Purposesof ORS 735.400 to 735.495
735.405 Definitionsfor ORS 735.400 to 735.495
735.410 Conditionsfor procuring insurance through nonadmitted insurer; rules
735.415 Qualificationsfor placement of coverage with nonadmitted insurer; rules
735.420 Declarationof ineligibility of surplus lines insurer
735.425 Filingby licensee after placement of surplus lines insurance; rules
735.430 SurplusLine Association of Oregon
735.435 Evidenceof insurance; contents; change; penalty; notice regarding Insurance GuarantyAssociation; rules
735.440 Validityof contracts
735.445 Effectof payment of premium to surplus lines licensee
735.450 Requirementsfor license as surplus lines insurance licensee
735.455 Authorityof licensee; rules
735.460 Recordsof licensee; examination
735.465 Monthlyreports; rules
735.470 Premiumtax; collection; payment; refund; rules
735.475 Suitto recover unpaid tax
735.480 Suspensionor revocation of license; refusal to renew; grounds
735.485 Actionsagainst surplus lines insurer
735.490 Jurisdictionin action against insurer; service of summons and complaint; response
735.492 Applicationof certain Insurance Code provisions to surplus lines insurers
735.495 Shorttitle; severability
735.600 Legislativeintent
735.605 Definitionsfor ORS 735.600 to 735.650
735.610 OregonMedical Insurance Pool Board; members; authority; rules
735.612 OregonMedical Insurance Pool Account; sources; uses
735.614 Assessmentsfor expenses of pool
735.615 Eligibilityfor pool coverage; rules
735.616 Portabilitycoverage under pool
735.620 Administrationof insurance pool program
735.625 Coverage;rules
735.630 Exemptionfrom liability
735.635 Exemptionfrom taxation
735.640 Study;adjustment of operation and benefits plans
735.645 Noticeof existence of pool
735.650 Applicationof provisions of Insurance Code
735.700 Definitionsfor ORS 735.700 to 735.714
735.701 Officeof Private Health Partnerships
735.702 Dutiesof office
735.703 Administrator
735.705 Appointmentof deputy director, officers and employees
735.706 Officeof Private Health Partnerships Account
735.707 Rules
735.709 Appointmentof advisory committees
735.710 Additionalduties of office; rules
735.711 Criminalrecords checks
735.712 Officeto encourage health insurance coverage among small employers
735.714 Renewalof health benefit plans for small employers
735.721 Definitionsfor ORS 735.721 to 735.727
735.723 Requirementsfor approval; rules
735.725 Enrollmentrequirements