ORS Chapter 723
Chapter 723 — CreditUnions
723.001 Definitions
723.002 Shorttitle
723.006 “Creditunion” defined
723.008 “Creditunion” defined for ORS 723.136 and 723.464 to 723.498
723.012 Organizationprocedure; articles of incorporation; bylaws; fee; rules
723.014 Denialof certificate of approval
723.016 Formof articles and bylaws
723.022 Amendmentof articles and bylaws; fee; rules
723.026 Useof name exclusive; criminal penalty
723.032 Placesof business; fee; rules; mobile facilities
723.036 Fiscalyear
723.042 Interstatecredit unions
723.102 Rulemakingauthority
723.106 Reports;late filing penalty; rules
723.112 Examinations
723.114 Annualfees paid by credit unions
723.116 Records;rules
723.118 Disclosureof records of department; exemptions
723.122 Bondor letter of credit; rules
723.126 Enforcementactions
723.132 Orderto remove officer, director or committee member
723.134 Receiptof deposits from person not a member of credit union; secondary capitalaccounts; rules
723.136 Agreementswith other credit union supervisory agencies and Financial Crimes EnforcementNetwork; contracts for use of credit union examiners; joint examination orenforcement; fees
723.152 Generalpowers; rules
723.156 Exerciseof powers of federal credit union
723.172 Creditunion membership; rules
723.176 Businessand nonbusiness organizations as members
723.182 Othercredit unions as members
723.184 Statedeemed member with respect to deferred compensation deposits; restrictions onmembership
723.186 Memberswho leave field of membership
723.188 Fosterparents as members
723.192 Individualliability
723.196 Meetingof members; mail or electronic ballots
723.202 Withdrawaland expulsion of members; request for reinstatement
723.252 Electionof directors and appointment of credit committee and credit manager
723.256 Recordof board and committee members
723.262 Vacancies
723.266 Compensationof officials
723.272 Conflictsof interest
723.276 Executiveofficers
723.282 Authorityof directors
723.286 Executivecommittee
723.292 Meetingsof directors
723.296 Dutiesof directors; delegation of duties
723.302 Dutiesof credit committee
723.306 Meetingsof credit committee
723.312 Loanofficers
723.316 Creditmanager
723.322 Dutiesof supervisory committee; verification of member accounts; rules
723.326 Suspensionand removal of officials; restrictions on service as director
723.332 Specialmeetings
723.338 Dutyto notify law enforcement officers of violations of Oregon Credit Union Act;investigations; costs
723.406 Dividends
723.412 Depositand deposit certificate accounts; interest;
723.426 Jointaccounts
723.432 Trustaccounts
723.434 Sharedraft accounts
723.447 Certifiedshare drafts
723.450 Paymenton shares and deposits; restriction on class of shares
723.454 Liens
723.460 Reductionin shares
723.464 Depositsmade in name of minor
723.466 Dispositionof deposit on death of depositor
723.468 Adverseclaim to deposit; notice; restraining order or other process; indemnity bond orletter of credit
723.470 Checksdrawn by agents presumed to be in authorized manner
723.472 Checksof intoxicated or drugged persons
723.474 Definitionsfor ORS 723.474 to 723.498
723.476 Applicationof ORS 723.478, 723.480 and 723.482; liability and setoff rights of credit unions
723.478 Ownershipof multiple-party accounts
723.480 Multiple-partyaccounts; disposition of deposit upon death of party or trustee; effect of will
723.482 Rightsof survivorship based on form of account; alteration of form of account
723.484 Transfersof moneys upon death of depositor or trustee is not testamentary disposition
723.486 Multipleparty account; payment of deposit to one or more parties; credit union notrequired to determine source or use of funds in account
723.488 Jointaccount; payment to any party to account; payment to others
723.490 P.O.D.account; payment to any original party; payment to others
723.492 Trustaccount; payment to trustee; payment to others
723.494 Dischargeof credit union for payments made; conditions
723.496 Rightof credit union to setoff; amount
723.498 Designationof agent for account; powers of agent
723.502 Purposes;terms
723.506 Application
723.512 Loanlimit; exception
723.516 Installments
723.522 Lineof credit
723.526 Otherloan programs
723.532 Loansto credit union officials; waiver; rules
723.536 Loansto nonmembers; personal liability
723.572 Insurancefor members
723.576 Liabilityinsurance for director, officer, employee or agent