ORS Chapter 708a
Chapter 708A — Regulationof Institutions Generally
708A.005 Powersof institutions; insurance transactions; rules
708A.010 Investmentsand activities of Oregon commercial banks
708A.115 Investmentin government obligations
708A.120 Investmentin stock of other corporations; rules
708A.125 Stockin corporations acquired to strengthen capital or eliminate undesirable assets
708A.130 Definitionfor ORS 708A.135 to 708A.145
708A.135 Investmentin bank service corporation
708A.140 Discriminationby bank service corporation prohibited against nonstockholding depositoryinstitution; permitted conduct
708A.145 Authorizedservices of bank service corporations; sale of insurance; regulation ofservices
708A.150 Communitydevelopment corporations; authority to invest or organize; conditions;corporate form; functions
708A.155 Investmentin foreign banks
708A.160 Corporationcreated to establish ATMs; banking institution as stockholder
708A.165 Membershipin Federal Reserve System; member bank, officers, directors and shareholderssubject to duties and liabilities imposed by laws of this state
708A.170 Securitiespowers
708A.175 Rightto purchase, hold and dispose of real and personal property
708A.180 Acquisitionof personal property for leasing purposes
708A.185 Purchaseof real estate contracts
708A.190 Acceptanceof drafts and bills of exchange; issuance of letters of credit; obligation forparticipation share in bills; rules
708A.195 Dispositionof real and personal property
708A.210 Challengeto validity of institution action; prohibition; exceptions
708A.250 Lendingmoney
708A.255 Interestrates on loans or uses of money; late charges
708A.260 Acceptingown stock as collateral
708A.265 Acceptingstock of other institutions as collateral
708A.270 Realestate loans
708A.275 Establishmentof loan production office; notice; fee
708A.290 “Capital”defined for ORS 708A.290 to 708A.375
708A.295 Limitationson amount of obligations to Oregon commercial bank; applicability
708A.300 Obligationssecured by readily marketable collateral
708A.305 Obligationsof other financial institutions
708A.310 Obligationsof indorser of discounted commercial paper
708A.315 Noncommercialshort-term notes
708A.320 Obligationssecured by shipping documents
708A.325 Installmentconsumer paper
708A.330 Bankers’acceptances of other financial institutions
708A.335 Obligationssecured by documents covering readily marketable staples
708A.340 Obligationssecured by documents covering livestock
708A.345 Obligationssecured by government obligations or shares of mutual fund or unit trust
708A.350 Obligationssecured by government bonds
708A.355 Insuredand guaranteed obligations
708A.360 Obligationssecured by deposits
708A.365 Obligationssecured by life insurance policy values
708A.370 Obligationssecured by first lien on real estate
708A.375 Obligationsof guarantors
708A.400 Depositaccounts
708A.405 Deposits;FDIC insurance required
708A.410 Savingsaccounts; conditions for withdrawal; interest rate
708A.415 Securingdeposits by surety bond, letter of credit or insurance
708A.420 Noticeto depositor upon change in terms, charges, withdrawal conditions or decreasein interest rate; exception
708A.425 Depositmade in name of minor
708A.430 Dispositionof deposit on death of depositor
708A.435 Adverseclaim to deposit; notice; restraining order or other process; indemnity bond orletter of credit
708A.440 Checksdrawn by agents presumed to be in authorized manner
708A.445 Checksof intoxicated or drugged persons
708A.450 Certifiedchecks
708A.455 Definitionsfor ORS 708A.455 to 708A.515
708A.460 Applicationof ORS 708A.465 to 708A.475; liability and setoff rights of financialinstitutions
708A.465 Ownershipof multiple-party accounts
708A.470 Multiple-partyaccounts; disposition of deposit upon death of party or trustee; effect of will
708A.475 Rightof survivorship based on form of account; alteration of form of account
708A.480 Transferof moneys upon death of depositor or trustee is not testamentary disposition
708A.485 Paymentof deposit in multiple-party account to one or more parties; institution notrequired to determine source or use of funds in account
708A.490 Jointaccount; payment to any party to account; payment to others
708A.495 P.O.D.account; payment to any original party; payment to others
708A.500 Trustaccount; payment to any trustee; payment to others
708A.505 Dischargeof institution from liability for payments made; conditions
708A.510 Rightof institution to setoff; amount
708A.515 Designationof agent for account; powers of agent
708A.535 Grantingsecurity interests in institution assets
708A.555 Generallyaccepted accounting principles
708A.560 Realand personal property used in institution’s business
708A.565 Certainstock
708A.570 Communitydevelopment corporations
708A.575 Market-makingcorporations
708A.580 Capital-strengtheningcorporations
708A.585 Claimsand judgments as assets
708A.590 Chargingoff real estate assets
708A.595 Chargingoff personal property assets
708A.600 Chargingoff bad debts
708A.605 Separateaccounts for foreign branches
708A.630 Negligent,excessive, dishonest or unlawful loans; civil liability of officer, director oremployee
708A.635 Writtenpolicies regarding reporting to and obtaining approval of board; duty to report
708A.640 Receivingillegal compensation; misapplication of property and credit
708A.645 Illegalguaranty or indorsement
708A.650 Bankingdays; holidays
708A.655 Proceduresfor opening safe deposit box after death of person who was sole lessee or lastsurviving lessee of box
708A.990 Civilpenalties
708A.995 Criminalpenalties
708A.005Powers of institutions; insurance transactions; rules. (1) Except asotherwise limited in the Bank Act or the articles of incorporation of aninstitution, an institution shall have:
(a)Perpetual duration and succession in its corporate name, unless a limitedperiod of duration is stated in its articles of incorporation;
(b)The power to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its businessand affairs including, without limitation, the power to: