ORS Chapter 688

Chapter 688 — Therapeuticand Technical Services: Physical Therapists; Medical



 ImagingPractitioners and Limited X-Ray Machine Operators; Hemodialysis Technicians;Athletic Trainers; Respiratory Therapists










688.010     Definitionsfor ORS 688.010 to 688.201


688.015     Findingsand purpose


688.020     Licenserequired to practice physical therapy or use designation


688.030     Applicationof ORS 688.010 to 688.201


688.035     Shorttitle




688.040     Licensingprocedure


688.050     Qualificationsof physical therapist; examination; rules


688.055     Qualificationsof physical therapist assistant; examination


688.080     Reciprocity;fee


688.090     License;certificate


688.100     Renewals;rules; fee; lapse


688.110     Temporarypermit; fee


688.120     Fraudulentrepresentations prohibited


688.125     Noticeto patient of interest in physical therapy practice


688.132     Dutyto refer person; exceptions; when personal injury protection benefits available


688.135     Dutiesand responsibilities of physical therapist


688.140     Groundsfor discipline; sanctions; civil penalties


688.145     Disciplineprocedure; review of orders; confidential information




688.160     PhysicalTherapist Licensing Board; qualifications; terms; vacancies; duties; rules;fees; meetings; executive director


688.201     Dispositionof receipts




688.230     Reportof suspected violation; confidentiality of report; liability of personreporting






688.405     Definitionsfor ORS 688.405 to 688.605


688.415     Licenseor permit requirement; prohibited acts


688.425     Licensedpersons may use title


688.435     Applicationof ORS 688.405 to 688.605




688.445     Licensingand renewal procedure; modalities; fees


688.455     Licensefee; general qualifications


688.480     Qualificationsof operators of certain equipment

688.485     Examinations;fees


688.495     Licensingof radiographer without examination


688.505     Evidenceof continuing education on renewal


688.515     LimitedX-ray machine operator permit; fees; qualifications; rules


688.520     Inactivelicenses and permits; licenses and permits for periods other than 24 months


688.525     Groundsfor discipline; investigation of complaints; confidential information




688.545     Boardof Medical Imaging; qualifications; advisory member; term; compensation andexpenses; officers; meetings; quorum


688.555     Rulemaking;executive director


688.557     Authorityof board to require fingerprints


688.560     Fees;rules


688.565     Continuingeducation


688.585     Boardof Medical Imaging Account




688.595     Enforcementand inspections


688.600     Investigationof alleged violations; power of board; subpoenas; peer review committees


688.605     Dutyto report violation; confidentiality; procedure on claims of violation




688.625     Definitionsfor ORS 688.625 to 688.665


688.630     Certificationrequirement


688.635     Scopeof practice of hemodialysis technician; rules


688.640     Applicationfor certificate; rules


688.645     Fees


688.650     Qualificationsfor certification; temporary or provisional certificates; continuing education;certificate expiration; rules


688.655     Groundsfor denying, suspending or revoking certificate; investigation; duty to report;confidential information; liability of person who reports


688.660     Groundsfor discipline of certificate holder; civil penalty; assessment of disciplinaryproceeding cost


688.665     Rules




688.701     Definitionsfor ORS 688.701 to 688.734


688.705     Boardof Athletic Trainers; appointment; membership; terms


688.707     Officers;quorum; meetings


688.709     Boardduties; rules


688.715     Authorityof Oregon Health Licensing Agency; rules; fees; investigations


688.718     Registrationrequired; exceptions


688.720     Requirementsfor registration


688.724     Registrationrenewal; late renewal; reactivation; reinstatement; rules


688.728     Fees;rules; disposition of receipts


688.730     Useof title


688.734     Disciplinaryauthority of Oregon Health Licensing Agency




688.800     Definitionsfor ORS 688.800 to 688.840


688.805     Licenserequirement; exceptions; practice requirements


688.810     Useof title


688.815     Licenseapplication; examination; license by endorsement or reciprocity; renewal;reactivation; reinstatement; rules


688.820     RespiratoryTherapist Licensing Board; qualification of members; terms; compensation


688.825     Selectionof board chairperson; quorum; meetings


688.830     Dutiesof Oregon Health Licensing Agency and of board; rules


688.834     Fees;rules; disposition of receipts


688.836     Disciplinaryauthority of Oregon Health Licensing Agency


688.838     Dutyto report prohibited conduct


688.840     Immunityfrom civil liability




688.915     Civilpenalty for violation of ORS 688.405 to 688.605 or rules


688.990     Criminalpenalties


688.995     Criminalpenalty for violation of ORS 688.800 to 688.840


688.997     Criminalpenalty for violation of ORS 688.718






      688.010Definitions for ORS 688.010 to 688.201. As used in ORS 688.010 to 688.201,unless the context requires otherwise:

      (1)“Board” means the Physical Therapist Licensing Board.

      (2)“Physical therapist” means a person who is licensed pursuant to ORS 688.010 to688.201 to practice physical therapy.

      (3)“Physical therapist aide” means a person who is trained by a physical therapistor physical therapist assistant to perform designated and supervised routinetasks related to physical therapy and who works under the direct on-sitesupervision of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.

      (4)“Physical therapist assistant” means a person who assists a physical therapistin the administration of selected components of physical therapy intervention.A physical therapist assistant works under the supervision and direction of thephysical therapist.

      (5)“Physical therapy” means the care and services provided by a physical therapistor by a physical therapist assistant under the supervision and direction of aphysical therapist.

      (6)“Practice of physical therapy” means:

      (a)Examining, evaluating and testing for mechanical, physiological anddevelopmental impairments, functional limitations and disabilities or otherneuromusculoskeletal conditions in order to determine a physical therapydiagnosis or prognosis or a plan of physical therapy intervention and to assessthe ongoing effects of physical therapy intervention.

      (b)Alleviating impairments and functional limitations by