ORS Chapter 677
Chapter 677 –Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture
677.010 Definitions
677.015 Statementof purpose
677.060 Personsand practices not within scope of chapter
677.080 Prohibitedacts
677.082 Expressionof regret or apology by licensee
677.085 Whatconstitutes practice of medicine
677.087 Physiciansand podiatric physicians and surgeons required to perform agreed upon surgerypersonally
677.089 Physiciansand podiatric physicians and surgeons dispensing prescription drugs to do sopersonally; records; required labeling information
677.092 Dutyto report prohibited conduct
677.095 Dutyof care; legal issues not precluded by investigation or administrativeproceeding
677.097 Procedureto obtain informed consent of patient
677.099 Noticeof participation or nonparticipation in Medicare assignment program; rules
677.100 Qualificationsof applicant for license
677.110 Scopeand administration of examination; certificate in lieu of examination
677.115 Expeditedlicense by endorsement; rules
677.120 Reciprocity
677.125 Reciprocalagreements
677.132 Limitedlicense; rules
677.135 Definitionof "practice of medicine across state lines"
677.137 Licenserequired for practice of medicine across state lines; exceptions
677.139 Licenseto practice medicine across state lines; application; fees
677.141 Responsibilities;prohibited practices; confidentiality requirements
677.172 Changeof location of practice; effect
677.175 Retirement;cessation of practice
677.184 Licenseto show degree held; display of license; use of degree on stationery and indisplays
677.188 Definitionsfor ORS 677.190
677.190 Groundsfor suspending, revoking or refusing to grant license, registration orcertification; alternative medicine not unprofessional conduct
677.200 Disciplinaryprocedure
677.202 Whenprocedure inapplicable
677.205 Groundsfor discipline; action by board; penalties
677.208 Hearing;disqualification of investigating board members; judicial review
677.220 Issuanceor restoration of license after denial or revocation
677.225 Automaticsuspension of license for mental illness or imprisonment; termination ofsuspension
677.228 Automaticlapse of license for failure to pay registration fee or report change oflocation; reinstatement
(OregonMedical Board)
677.235 OregonMedical Board; membership; confirmation; terms; vacancies; compensation
677.240 Oaths,officers and meetings of board
677.250 Recordsto be kept
677.265 Powersof board generally; rules; fees; physician standard of care
677.270 Proceedingsupon refusal to testify or failure to obey rule, order or subpoena of board
677.275 Administrativelaw judges
677.280 Employmentof personnel
677.290 Dispositionof receipts; revolving account; medical library
677.305 Pettycash fund
677.320 Investigationof complaints and suspected violations
677.325 Enjoiningunlicensed practice of medicine
677.330 Dutyof district attorney and Attorney General; jurisdiction of prosecutions
677.335 Officialactions of board and personnel; privileges and immunities; scope of immunity ofcomplainant
677.355 "Artificialinsemination" defined
677.360 Whomay select donors and perform procedure
677.365 Consentrequired; filing with State Registrar of the Center for Health Statistics;notice to physician
677.370 Whomay be donor
(Competencyto Practice Medicine or Podiatry)
677.410 Voluntarylimitation of license; removal of limitation
677.415 Investigationof incompetence; reports to board; contents; informal interview; penalty forfailure to report official action
677.417 Medicalincompetence, unprofessional conduct, physical incapacity, impairment; rules
677.420 Competencyexamination; investigation; consent by licensee; assistance
677.425 Confidentialinformation; immunity
677.450 Releaseof certain information to health care facilities
(Administrationof Controlled Substances for Pain)
677.470 Definitionsfor ORS 677.470 to 677.480
677.474 Administrationof controlled substances for pain allowed; exceptions
677.480 Discipline
677.490 Feeswhen patient served or referred to diabetes self-management program
677.491 Reportingtoy-related injury or death; rules
677.492 Liabilityof physician for acts of certain other health care providers
677.495 Definitionsfor ORS 677.495 to 677.545
677.500 Policy
677.505 Applicationof provisions governing physician assistants to other health professions
677.510 Boardapproval of using services of physician assistant; hearing; supervision;emergency drug dispensing authority; pain management education
677.512 Licensure;renewal; fees; rules
677.515 Medicalservices rendered by physician assistant
677.518 Authorityto sign death certificate
677.520 Performanceof medical services by unlicensed physician assistant prohibited
677.525 Fees;how determined
677.535 Limitedlicense
677.540 PhysicianAssistant Committee; appointment; term
677.545 Dutiesof committee
(Temporaryprovisions relating to diversion are compiled as notes following ORS 677.545)
677.757 Definitionsfor ORS 677.757 to 677.770
677.759 Licenserequired; qualifications; effect of using certain terms; rules
677.761 Personsand practices not within scope of ORS 677.757 to 677.770
677.765 Unauthorizedpractice by acupuncturist
677.770 Fees
677.780 AcupunctureAdvisory Committee; membership; terms
677.785 Dutiesof committee
677.805 Definitionsfor ORS 677.805 to 677.840