ORS Chapter 675
Chapter 675 — Psychologists;Occupational Therapists; Certified Sex Offender Therapists; Regulated SocialWorkers; Licensed Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists
675.010 Definitionsfor ORS 675.010 to 675.150
675.020 Practiceor representation as psychologist prohibited without license; use of businessname or designation
675.025 Applicationof ORS 58.325 to 58.365
675.030 Licensingof psychologists after examination; requirements; fee; resident designation;rules
675.040 Examinationsfor licensing
675.045 Examinationsadministered by board; rules
675.050 Licensingwithout national examination; fee; rules
675.063 Limitedpermit to practice as psychologist; duration
675.065 Psychologistassociate licensing procedure
675.070 Authorizedsanctions; grounds for imposing sanctions; civil penalty
675.075 Confidentialityof information obtained under ORS 675.070 or 675.085
675.085 Investigation;disciplinary procedure
675.087 Continuingauthority of board upon lapse, suspension, revocation or voluntary surrender oflicense
675.090 Applicationof ORS 675.010 to 675.150
675.100 StateBoard of Psychologist Examiners
675.110 Powersof board; rules; fees
675.115 Howfees determined
675.130 Officers;quorum; meetings; records; executive director
675.140 StateBoard of Psychologist Examiners Account; appropriation
675.145 Dutyto report prohibited conduct
Note WorkGroup on Prescriptive Authority for Licensed Psychologists--2009 c.558 §§1,2
675.150 Enforcementprocedures
675.210 Definitionsfor ORS 675.210 to 675.340
675.220 Representationas occupational therapist or therapy assistant prohibited without license;exception
675.222 Employingunlicensed person prohibited
675.230 Applicationfor licensing
675.240 Qualificationsfor licensing as occupational therapist; rules
675.250 Qualificationsfor licensing as occupational therapy assistant; rules
675.270 Licensingwithout examination; fee
675.280 Licenseperiod; fee; issuance of certificate; certificate as evidence; posting
675.290 Licenserenewal procedure; delinquent fee
675.300 Groundsand procedures for denial, refusal to renew, suspension or revocation oflicense; confidentiality of information
675.310 OccupationalTherapy Licensing Board
675.320 Powersof board; fees; rules
675.330 OccupationalTherapy Licensing Board Account
675.332 Dutyto report prohibited conduct
675.335 Investigationof alleged violations; subpoenas
675.336 Civilpenalties
675.337 Scheduleof civil penalties; rules
675.340 Enforcementprocedure
675.360 Legislativefindings
675.365 Definitionsfor ORS 675.360 to 675.410
675.370 Representationas certified sex offender therapist prohibited without certification;fraudulent certification
675.375 Certificationof clinical sex offender therapist or associate sex offender therapist;requirements; renewal, reactivation or reinstatement of certification; rules
675.380 Reciprocalcertification
675.385 Disciplinaryauthority of Oregon Health Licensing Agency; grounds for discipline; authorizedsanctions
675.390 Confidentialityof communication by clients; exceptions
675.395 SexOffender Treatment Board
675.400 Dutiesof board
675.405 Fees;rules
675.410 Dutiesof Oregon Health Licensing Agency under ORS 675.360 to 675.410
675.510 Definitionsfor ORS 675.510 to 675.600
675.520 Useof title prohibited without license; exceptions
675.523 Licenseor certification required to practice clinical social work; exceptions
675.530 License;qualifications; rules
675.532 Baccalaureatesocial worker registration
675.533 Master’ssocial worker license
675.535 Examination;rules
675.537 Certificationas clinical social work associate; requirements
675.540 Groundsfor disciplinary action; authorized sanctions and penalties; investigation
675.545 Effectof revocation of authorization
675.550 Reissuanceof authorization to practice
675.560 Whenauthorization to practice effective; rules; renewal
675.565 Continuingeducation; rules
675.571 Fees;authorization; uses
675.580 Confidentialityof communication by client; exceptions
675.583 Dutyto report evidence of impairment or unprofessional or prohibited conduct;confidentiality of information; limitation of liability
675.585 Investigationof alleged violations; confidentiality of information; limitation of liability
675.590 StateBoard of Licensed Social Workers
675.595 Generalpowers of board; fees
675.597 StateBoard of Licensed Social Workers Account
675.600 Dutiesof board; rules
675.705 Definitionsfor ORS 675.715 to 675.835
675.715 Application;fee; qualifications; examinations; licensing
675.720 Internship;registration requirements; renewal; ethical standards