ORS Chapter 657
Chapter 657 — UnemploymentInsurance
657.005 Shorttitle
657.007 Conflictwith state law
657.010 Definitions
657.015 Employee
657.020 Employingunit
657.025 Employer
657.030 Employmentgenerally; educational, hospital, nursing, student service exclusions
657.035 Employment;effect of place of performance of service
657.040 Employment;when service for pay excluded; independent contractors
657.043 Employment;golf course caddy service excluded; exceptions
657.044 Employment;service by partners and corporate officers and directors who are family membersexcluded; exceptions
657.045 Employment;agricultural labor excluded; exceptions
657.047 Employment;transportation of logs, poles and piling and lessor of for-hire carriersexcluded; exceptions
657.048 Employment;language translators or interpreters excluded; exceptions
657.050 Employment;domestic service, child care service and certain service not in course ofemployer’s trade excluded; exceptions
657.053 Employment;certain service on fishing boat excluded
657.056 Employment;maritime service
657.060 Employment;family service and foster care excluded
657.065 Employment;governmental service excluded; exceptions
657.067 Employment;community work and training programs excluded; work study, work experience andwork incentive programs excluded; exceptions
657.072 Employment;certain nonprofit services excluded
657.075 Employment;service under Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act excluded
657.078 Employment;stringer, correspondent and photographer services for media excluded
657.080 Employment;news delivery service excluded
657.085 Employment;service by certain agents, brokers, producers and salespersons excluded
657.087 Employment;service by individuals soliciting contracts for home improvements and consumergoods sales excluded
657.090 Employment;petroleum products distributors excluded
657.091 Employment;food product demonstrators excluded
657.092 Employment;nonprofit organization employees and contestants excluded
657.093 Employment;certain services provided in exchange for ski passes excluded
657.094 Employment;down-river boating activities excluded
657.095 Payroll
657.097 Politicalsubdivision
657.100 Unemployment;rules
657.105 Wages;generally
657.115 Wages;exclusion of fringe benefits
657.117 Wages;inclusion of federal taxes and tips
657.120 Wages;exclusion of retirement benefits
657.125 Wages;exclusion of disability benefits
657.130 Wages;exclusion of payments from certain trusts and annuities
657.135 Wages;exclusion of payments to persons over 65
657.140 Wages;exclusion of assistance to individuals under community work and trainingprogram
(IncomeTax Consequences of Benefits)
657.144 Noticeto individual of effect of filing claim for benefits
657.146 Withholdingfrom benefits for tax purposes; rules
657.148 Compliancewith federal requirements for collection and payment of federal taxes
657.150 Amountof benefits; length of employment and wages necessary to qualify for benefits;rules
657.152 Adjustingbenefits to even dollar amounts
657.155 Benefiteligibility conditions; rules
657.156 Reemploymentservice assistance; eligibility; rules
657.158 Self-employmentassistance; eligibility; amounts payable; rules
657.159 Claimantsrequired to submit job qualifications to Oregon State Employment Service; useof information; referring claimant to available jobs
657.165 Waitingperiod eligibility, condition, limitation
657.167 Amountand time period for payment of benefits to educational institution employees
657.170 Extendingbase year; limitation
657.173 Alternatebase year; rules
657.176 Groundsand procedure for disqualification; exceptions; rules
657.179 Eligibilityof individuals participating in certain federally approved training
657.184 Benefitspayable for service by aliens
657.186 Benefitspayable for service by athletes
657.190 Suitablework; factors to consider
657.195 Suitablework; exceptions
657.200 Labordispute disqualification; exceptions
657.205 Deductionof retirement pay; exceptions
657.210 Disqualificationin other jurisdictions
657.213 Ineligibilityfor benefits upon conviction of fraud in obtaining benefits
657.215 Disqualificationfor misrepresentation
657.221 Ineligibilityfor benefits of certain educational institution personnel
657.255 Methodof payment of benefits; payment of benefits due deceased person; rules
657.260 Filingclaims for benefits; employer to post statements concerning claim regulations;rules
657.265 Noticeof claim filing to employing units
657.266 Initialdetermination of eligibility and amount of benefits; notice to affectedparties; cancellation of determination; determination becomes final whenhearing not requested
657.267 Allowingor denying claim; notice of denial; amended decision; appeal
657.268 Filinginformation on issues not previously decided; claim reexamination; notice ofreasons for decision
657.269 Decisionbecomes final without request for hearing
657.270 Hearing;application for review; dismissal of request for hearing
657.273 Restrictionon use of findings, orders and judgments in other proceedings
657.275 Reviewby Employment Appeals Board
657.280 Generalprocedure and records concerning disputed claims
657.282 Judicialreview of decisions under ORS 657.275
657.290 Continuousjurisdiction of director; reconsideration of previous decisions
657.295 Witnessfees; disputed claim expenses; counsel; fees
657.300 Falsestatements or failure to report material fact by employer
657.306 Combiningdecision on claim for benefits with decision on recovery of benefits
657.310 Recoveryor deduction of benefits paid because of misrepresentation by recipient;penalty
657.315 Recoveryor deduction of benefits paid erroneously
657.317 Waivingrecovery of benefits; effect of finding of noncompliance with federal law
657.320 Cancellationof unrecoverable benefits
657.321 Definitionsfor ORS 657.321 to 657.329
657.323 ORS657.321 to 657.329 supersede inconsistent provisions of this chapter
657.325 Extendedbenefits; eligibility; amount
657.326 Adjustmentof extended benefits to be received when benefit year ends within extendedbenefit period
657.327 Noticeof effectiveness of extended benefits; employers not to be charged for extendedbenefits