ORS Chapter 568

Chapter 568 — Soiland Water Conservation; Water Quality Management













568.210     Definitionsfor ORS 568.210 to 568.808 and 568.900 to 568.933


568.225     Policy


568.300     Petitionfor formation of district; contents; consolidation of petitions


568.310     Noticeof hearing; questions considered


568.320     Rightto be heard; subsequent notice and hearings


568.330     Determinationof need for district; factors considered in determination; territory need notbe contiguous


568.340     Determinationto not form district; subsequent petitions may be filed


568.351     Determinationof boundaries for proposed district; notice of plan to issue order;publication; request for referendum


568.370     Eligibleelectors


568.380     Departmentto pay expenses and supervise hearings and referenda; informalities inreferendum


568.391     Referendumprocess; ballot contents; results


568.400     Appointmentof first directors of district


568.410     Formationof district


568.420     Certificateof formation; boundaries of district


568.431     Petitionsfor inclusion of territory; conditions; referendum


568.433     Petitionsfor withdrawal of territory; conditions; referendum


568.435     Boundarychange notice for taxation purposes


568.440     Districtlegally formed; certificate as evidence


568.445     Petitionsfor inclusion of territory wholly within another district; approval ordisapproval by directors and department


568.450     Procedurefor consolidating districts


568.460     Referendum;eligible electors; majority required


568.471     Effectof consolidating districts


568.481     Methodsfor initiating dissolution of district; notice of process initiation; plan ofdissolution and liquidation; public hearings; dissolution order; referendum


568.491     Terminationof board of directors; appointment of board of trustees; notice of dissolution;certificate of dissolution


568.495     Dispositionof district assets; insolvency; rules


568.500     Orderof dissolution; effect


568.510     Proceedingsfor dissolution limited


568.520     Petitionsnominating directors; regular elections; duties of department


568.530     Ballots;write-in votes; unfilled positions


568.542     Paymentof expenses for director election from county funds


568.545     Procedurefor selection of directors of consolidated districts; selection of officers


568.550     Generalpowers of board of directors; erosion control covenants; interagencycooperation; land use regulations; department rules


568.552     Powerof directors to manage and control water resources and projects; authority ofWater Resources Commission


568.554     Districtto submit program and work plans for department review


568.555     Nameof district may be changed


568.560     Numberof directors; director qualifications; officers; election; terms; vacancies


568.565     Proceduresfor changing number of directors


568.570     Majorityconstitutes a quorum


568.580     Annualmeeting


568.590     Noticeof annual meeting


568.600     Legalcounsel; delegation of powers; assistance to department


568.610     Records;audits


568.620     Consultationwith county or municipal representatives


568.730     Officialsmay enter private lands


568.780     Certainpublic agencies to be deemed owners


568.790     Countyfunds for personnel and other uses


568.801     Streamcontrol and management projects; application; designation and implementation;rules


568.803     Generalobligation bonds; refunding bonds; special taxes


568.805     Specialassessments; improvement bonds; objections by landowners


(TaxLevying Authority)


568.806     Advalorem tax; budget; collection


568.807     Electorsauthorizing taxation; election date


568.808     Taxingdistrict to file legal description and map




568.810     Purposeof ORS 568.810 to 568.890; types of wind erosion


568.820     Designationof areas by county court upon petition; description of boundaries


568.830     Publicationand posting of notices describing districts; when regulations are enforced


568.840     Electionof advisory board; meetings; members; functions


568.850     Winderosion inspector; appointment; duties; appeal from decision; compensation;expenses


568.860     Inspectormay enter lands in district; service of notice on owner or occupant


568.870     Countycourt may authorize inspector to control erosion; expenses of control


568.880     Taxlevy for wind erosion control


568.890     Districtmay be dissolved; disposition of district funds; change of district boundaries




568.900     Definitionsfor ORS 568.900 to 568.933


568.903     “Landowner”defined


568.906     Planimplementation to involve local agencies


568.909     Boundariesfor land subject to water quality plans; implementation of plan and rules


568.912     Managementplan rules; required actions under rules; prohibiting specific practices;landowner appeals


568.915     Entryupon land; purpose; consultation with Department of Justice; notice tolandowners


568.918     Noticeto landowner of failure to perform requirements


568.921     Feesfrom landowners


568.924     Interagencyagreements


568.927     Lawinapplicable to certain forest practices


568.930     Agriculturalactivities subject to plan requirements; consultation with EnvironmentalQuality Commission; review and revision of plans


568.933     Civilpenalties; availability; reductions


      568.010 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.020 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.030 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.040 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.050 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.060 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.070 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.080 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.090 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.100 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.110 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]


      568.120 [Amended by1969 c.314 §66; repealed by 1983 c.499 §1]


      568.130 [Repealed by1983 c.499 §1]






      568.210Definitions for ORS 568.210 to 568.808 and 568.900 to 568.933. As used in ORS568.210 to 568.808 and 568.900 to 568.933, unless the context requiresotherwise:

      (1)“Agency of this state” means any public body as defined in ORS 174.109.

      (2)“Department” means the State Department of Agriculture.

      (3)“Director” means one of the members of the local governing body of a districtelected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of ORS 568.210 to568.808 and 568.900 to 568.933.

      (4)“District” means a soil and water conservation district.

      (5)“Due notice” means notice published at least twice, with an interval of atleast seven days between the two publication dates, in a newspaper or otherpublication of general circulation within the appropriate area, or if no suchpublication of general circulation is available, by posting at a reasonablenumber of conspicuous places within the appropriate area, such posting toinclude, where possible, posting at public places where it may be customary topost notices concerning county or municipal affairs generally. At any hearingheld pursuant to such notice, at the time and place designated in such notice,adjournment may be made from time to time without the necessity of renewingsuch notice for such adjourned dates.

      (6)“Elector” means an individual qualified to vote under section 2, Article II,Oregon Constitution.

      (7)“Government” or “governmental” means the government of the United States, andany subdivision, agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of thegovernment of the United States, and any public body as defined in ORS 174.109.

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