ORS Chapter 478

Chapter 478 — RuralFire Protection Districts











478.001     Definitions


478.002     Statusof districts existing in 1957


478.004     Newdistrict succeeds to and replaces abolished district




478.010     Formation;territories that may not be included in districts


478.050     Qualificationsfor directors


478.090     Effectof 1939 Act on districts then existing


478.100     Immaterialdefects in organization not to invalidate district organization


478.115     Countygoverning body to determine territory of district


478.120     Inclusionof forestland in district


478.130     Certainstructures subject to fire damage to be added to tax rolls


478.140     Procedurefor adding land to district by consent of owner


478.150     Conferencewith State Forestry Department required prior to formation of district orannexation of territory


478.155     Formationof district with tax zones; contents of formation petition and order creatingdistrict; determination of tax levy in each zone; boundary changes


478.160     Filingof boundary or zone change with county assessor and Department of Revenue




478.210     Directors;organization; term; oath


478.215     Positionnumbers for director election


478.221     Nominationand election of directors


478.225     Electionsubdistricts; petition for formation; election


478.228     Boundariesof subdistricts


478.231     Electionlaws applicable


478.234     Subdistrictsfor nomination or election of directors


478.240     Specialelections; electors


478.250     Meetingsand officers of board


478.260     Firechief and assistants; headquarters; acquisition of site; fire and first-aidapparatus and equipment; emergency medical and ambulance services


478.270     Reportsof directors; State Fire Marshal to cooperate and furnish blank forms


478.280     Employmentof assistants


478.290     Additionalauthority of districts within 10 mile radius of city of 100,000 or more


478.300     Contractingwith others to provide facilities and services for fire protection or roadlighting; authority over open burning and fire permits; rules


478.305     Contractingwith others for mutual communication system; contracts in other states


478.308     Contractingwith others for regional oil and hazardous material emergency response team


478.310     Responseto fire or public safety incident outside its own territory by district ormunicipality; liability for costs

478.315     Responseto fire or public safety incident in Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area;payment of costs




478.325     Districtmay levy taxes for purposes of ORS 478.335 to 478.370


478.335     Contractsfor medical and hospital services or insurance


478.340     Paymentof premiums or charges on contracts; employee contributions; multiple contracts


478.355     Establishmentof employee retirement system; provisions of plan


478.360     Fundto provide retirement benefits


478.365     Employeecontributions to retirement fund


478.370     Retirementbenefits not to be funded for individual not employee of district when membershipin system created




478.390     Investmentsauthorized to fund length of service awards for volunteer firefighters






478.410     Powerof district to levy taxes, borrow money, sell bonds and create fees


478.420     Saleof bonds


478.430     Advalorem tax


478.440     Gifts;sinking fund


478.450     Taxfor road lighting; method


478.460     Depositand disbursement of funds


478.470     Intereston unpaid warrants; limitation on amount of warrants




478.480     Formationof tax zones; basis for zones; public hearing


478.485     Noticeof public hearing


478.490     Electionon question of dividing district into tax zones; order creating zones; effect


478.495     Limitationon changes in tax zone boundaries


478.500     Determinationof tax levy in each tax zone


478.505     Petitionfor tax zones by district electors; number of signatures required; public hearing




478.560     Depositand disbursement of funds of districts located in two or more counties




478.665     Withdrawalof territory from district; inclusion in forest protection district; assessment




478.840     Definitionsfor ORS 478.845 to 478.875


478.845     Revenuebonds authorized for fire safety systems


478.850     Sourcesof bond payment restricted


478.855     Loanfund created from bond proceeds; other sources for fund


478.860     Standardsfor eligibility for loans for fire safety systems


478.865     Loancontract; repayment plan; terms and conditions


478.870     Powersgranted to enforce loan contracts and secure payment of bonds; reserve fund


478.875     Remediesfor breach of loan contract


478.880     Legislativefindings


478.885     Paymentor repayment for cost of fire safety system installation in multifamily housing




478.910     Adoptionof fire prevention code


478.920     Scopeof fire prevention code


478.924     Approvalof code by city or county required


478.927     Buildingpermit review for fire prevention code


478.930     Violationof code; failure to remove hazards; burning waste without permit prohibited


478.940     Copiesof code to be filed with State Fire Marshal and posted at fire stations


478.960     Burningof certain materials permitted only with permission of fire chief; damage orinjury; burning schedules and restrictions


478.965     Recoveryby district of costs of suppressing unlawful fire; attorney fees




478.970     Purposeof district identification names


478.972     Applicationby district to State Fire Marshal for identification name


478.980     Identificationname for district formed by consolidation or merger of districts


478.982     Reuseof names of dissolved districts




478.990     Penalties




      478.001Definitions.(1) As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

      (a)“Board of directors” or “district board” means the governing body of adistrict.

      (b)“County” means the county in which the district, or the greater portion of thetaxable assessed value of the district, is located.

      (c)“County board” means the county court or board of county commissioners of thecounty.

      (d)“District” means a rural fire protection district proposed to be organized ororganized under, or subject to, this chapter.

      (e)“Owner” or “landowner” means a legal owner of real property or the vendee of acontract of purchase of real property, if any, to the exclusion of the vendor.The term includes a unit owner, as defined in ORS 100.005.

      (2)As used in ORS 478.960:

      (a)“Commercial waste” means any waste produced in any business involving the leaseor sale, including wholesale and retail, of goods or services, including butnot limited to housing, and means any waste produced by a governmental,educational or charitable institution; however, it does not include any wasteproduced in a dwelling containing four living units or less.

      (b)“Demolition material” means any waste resulting from the complete or partialdestruction of any man-made structure such as a house, apartment, commercialbuilding or in